
全球气候治理格局下中国低碳技术的发展取向研究 被引量:1

Study on the Development Orientation of China's Low Carbon Technology in Global Climate Governance Age
摘要 本文主要通过文献研究、政策调研的方法,梳理了中国参与全球气候治理下的低碳技术发展形势。研究发现,中国未来面临的减排压力较大,发展低碳技术势在必行。但是,由于受国际经济利益博弈格局的影响,以及贸易保护主义盛行,实际低碳技术转移效果很差,未来也很难实现突破,所以发展自主研发的低碳技术产业是我国未来的发展方向。中国应积极提升低碳技术专利质量、完善研发模式并实现技术的知识产权战略布局。 On the basis of literature research and policy research methods, this article presents China's low-carbon technology development under the participation in global climate governance. The study found that China will face higher pressure for reducing emissions in the future, and the development of low-carbon technologies is imperative. However, due to the influence of the international game pattern of economic interests, and the prevalence of trade protectionism, the actual effect of low-carbon technology transfer is very limited, and it is difficult to achieve breakthroughs in the future. Therefore, the development of independent research and development of low-carbon technology industry is China's future development direction. Given this situation, China should actively promote the patent quality of low-carbon technologies, improve the R&D model, and realize the strategic layout of technological intellectual property.
作者 刘昌新 田园 LIU Changxin;TIAN Yuan(Institutes of Science and Development,CAS,Beijing 100190)
出处 《科技促进发展》 CSCD 2018年第4期305-310,共6页 Science & Technology for Development
基金 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院青年基金项目(编号:Y7X1081Q01):我国低碳转型对就业影响研究 负责人:刘昌新 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院重大突破项目(编号:Y8X0771604):百年强国资源环境关键瓶颈问题研究 负责人:王毅
关键词 低碳技术 经济增长 INDC目标 climate governance low carbon technology economic growth INDC target
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