"十三五"期间,我国分布式光伏发电将进入加速发展的快车道;针对现有监控设备存在的数据传输低效、传输方式单一和数据无法存储等问题,结合分布式光伏发电监控设备布局分散、网络受限等特点,提出一种基于ARM Cortex-M3嵌入式处理器的分布式光伏数据采集器方案,并从硬件和软件两方面进行数据采集器的设计,实现了数据的远程传输、存储备份和本地显示等多种功能;该采集器通过RS485接口、Modbus协议实现了对逆变器数据的采集,通过GPRS模块、TCP/IP协议实现了数据的远程传输,并在本地采用LCD显示采集器运行数据、SD卡备份采集的数据;实验表明,分布式光伏数据采集器具备较高的数据传输成功率,解决了分布式光伏发电的难题,在光伏发电领域将有很好的应用前景。
During the"13 th Five-Year"period,China's distributed photovoltaic power generation will enter the fast lane of accelerated development.In view of the problems of low efficiency of data transmission,single transmission mode and inability to store data in the existing monitoring equipment,a distributed photovoltaic data collector based on ARM Cortex-M3 embedded processor is proposed in this paper,which is based on the distributed photovoltaic power generation monitoring equipment,which is distributed and limited in network.The scheme is based on hardware and software two.The data collector is designed to realize the functions of remote data transmission,storage backup and local display.The collector realizes the acquisition of the data of the inverter through the RS485 interface and the Modbus protocol,realizes the remote transmission of the data through the GPRS module and the TCP/IP protocol,and uses the LCD to display the data of the collector and the data collected by the SD card.The experiment shows that the distributed PV data collector has a high success rate of data transmission,and solves the problem of distributed photovoltaic power generation.It will have a good application prospect in the field of photovoltaic power generation.
Bao Yunfeng;Tian Mao;Sun Jun;Duan Pei(School of Computer Science and Information Engineering,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,Chin)
Computer Measurement &Control