The accurate estimation of rainfall erosivity (R) is significant for soil erosion prediction. However, the algorithm for the R factor of the universal soil loss equation (USLE), the most widely used algorithm to calculate R, needs pluviograph data with high temporal resolution. Thus, studies have developed a large number of proxies for the R factor (PR) using daily, monthly, yearly rainfall data instead of pluviograph data. It is noted that the statistical evolutions of the PR, is desirable, which is currently lacking. This study aimed to evaluate 15 widely used PRs, including two yearly, six monthly, and seven daily ones, and further rank them in terms of their correlation with R using a stepwise Meng' s test procedure and data collected at 14 rainfall stations in the eastern China. The results indicated that the 15 PRs under examination were all significantly correlated with R (r 〉 0.59,p 〈 0.03), implying all of them can be reasonably used as an R predictor. The stepwise Meng' s test illustrated that the daily PRs were better correlated with R than the monthly and yearly PRs with four daily PRs, which included three developed in China and one developed in Australia, ranking the first (r 〉 0.99) between the 15 PRs. Additional examination did show that the Australia PR exhibited a relative error that increased with the latitude and thus should be calibrated by means of the regression equation we developed. One of the three Chinese PR, did not show a systematic error and can be directly used to estimate R without calibration. The two other PRs showed approximately 30% overestimation and also be calibrated by the developed regression equations. We also recommended the PRs to be used if only the monthly or yearly rainfall data is available.
MA Xiaoqing;ZHENG Mingguo(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Resources Science