
接纳承诺疗法灵活六边形解读 被引量:20

Analysis on Flexible Hexagon in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
摘要 接纳承诺疗法以心理灵活性为围绕中心,以有效性为评价核心,六个核心过程的目标均为提升心理灵活性。这六个核心过程并不是完全分开的,而是相互联系、相互重叠和相互促进的。以价值为动力导向,以承诺行动作为支撑点,以接纳、认知解离、活在当下和以己为景作为排除前进方向障碍的工具,个体不断探索自己的价值取向,以具体的行动来实践有意义的生活。这六个方面是相辅相成的,围绕心理灵活性这个中心共同发挥作用。接纳承诺疗法是一个整体的系统,六个过程共同产生作用。 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)centers psychological flexibility and evaluates based on workability,psychological flexibility is being promoted by six core parts,and these six parts are intercommunicated,interweaved and mutual promoted.Individual constantly explores value orientation and practices meaningful life through specific actions by using some skills and methods.These skills are acceptance,defusion,contacting the present moment and self-as-context.Besides,value is the power for ahead and action is the strong point for individual's moving.These six core parts supplements and promotes each other around the psychological flexibility.ACT is a whole system and six parts work on it together.
作者 赖雄 陈盈 何厚建 胡茂荣 LAI Xiong;CHEN Ying;HE Hou-jian(Department of Psychiatry,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,China)
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2018年第6期64-66,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 2014年国家自然科学基金项目(81360211) 2015年江西省科技厅社会发展基金项目(20151BBG70111) 2016年中央财政专项经费项目(2016YFC1306805)
关键词 心理灵活性 有效性 相互联系 价值 行动 psychological flcxibiliry workability intcrcommunication valuc action
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