
西部地区少数民族大学生的文化融合意识与国家认同 被引量:2

Consciousness of Cultural Integration and National Identity Among Ethnic Minority College Students in the Western Region of China
摘要 西部地区少数民族大学生是中国少数民族成员中的一个重要群体。西部地区少数民族大学生自身发展的内在需要、国家政策的实施以及世界各地不同文化的交流交融,共同构成了西部少数民族大学生文化融合意识的逻辑起点。同时,西部少数民族大学生群体体现出地域性、民族性、多元性的基本文化特征。西部少数民族大学生的文化融合意识对国家认同建设发挥引领、促进、整合的功能作用。 As a special community of the ethnic minorities in China,the EMCSW's( the ethnic minority college students in the western region of China) ethnic identity and multi-cultural integration both have a big influence on the ethnic unity and national stability. This article explores the produced logic of the consciousness of cultural integration among the EMCSW and the basic cultural characteristics of this special community. Moreover,it interprets the role of their consciousness of cultural integration to the national identity.Ⅰ. The produced logic of the consciousness of cultural integration among the EMCSW Cultural integration is a major trend of social development,and the culture integration among the EMCSW is an inevitable result of the historical development and the progress of the times. The endogenous self-developmental needs of the EMCSW,the implementation of national policies,and the communications between different cultures all over the world constitute the logical starting point of the consciousness of cultural integration among the EMCSW.1. Promoting the endogenous self-developmental needs of the EMCSW Students from ethnic minority backgrounds are eager to gain opportunities for equal education,share educational resources, and improve their knowledge in order to change their fate. It is this endogenous demand that drives the ethnic minorities in the western region to actively integrate themselves into the national and global development trends,and gradually stop themselves from being passively marginalized. The power of this endogenous demand promotes a more active attitude of the ethnic minorities in the western region to communicate and integrate with external cultures.The existence of a multi-culture becomes an indisputable fact. While constantly adapting to the new culture,the ethnic minorities are transforming their culture,while also making efforts to protect their culture. Cultural integration has been gradually accepted by the ethnic minorities in the western region. As a group with a relat
作者 李永政 庄勤早 甘祖兵 Li Yongzheng;Zhuang Qinzao;Gan Zubing(Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Siehuan,China;Yunnan Academy of Scientific and Technieal hfformation,Kunming,650051,Yunnan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期80-83,123,124,125,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 2013年国家社科基金青年项目(项目编号:13CGL133) 2014年国家民委社科项目(项目编号:14XNZ035) 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研专项资金项目(项目编号:2017NZYQN18)联合资助
关键词 少数民族 大学生 文化融合 国家认同 ethnic minorities collegestudents cultural integration national identity
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