
宗教去激进化:新加坡“宗教康复小组”的措施与启示 被引量:1

A Brief Analysis of Singapore's Religious De-radicalization Program——A Case Study of Religious Rehabilitation Group
摘要 为应对恐怖主义和极端势力威胁,新加坡于2003年成立"宗教康复小组",该小组是从宗教角度去激进化的重要组织。"宗教康复小组"纠正被拘押者的极端宗教思想,帮助他们在释放后重回社会,也对广大穆斯林社区进行防范宗教极端主义的公共教育,鼓励穆斯林青年树立正确的宗教观念,避免极端思想对社区的渗透。成立十几年来,"宗教康复小组"结合政府、高校、社会的力量,从意识形态的角度反击极端组织对伊斯兰经典的一系列扭曲和误读,取得了一系列成果,但也存在局限性。 In response to the terrorist and extremist threats faced by Singapore,"Religious Rehabilitation Group"was established in 2003 as a crucial organization to deal with radicalization from a religious perspective. "Religious Rehabilitation Group"seeks to correct the detainee extremist religious ideology,to help them return to society after being released and also to protect the Muslim community against religious extremism through public education. For more than a decade,"Religious Rehabilitation Group"has succeeded in blockading the spread of religious extremism,but it still faces a series of challenges. The paper introduces the aim,method and feature of "Religious Rehabilitation Group"and seeks to provide references for coping with radicalization-related issues based on a brief literature review.
作者 傅瑜
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2018年第3期24-41,154,共18页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目"华侨华人与我国‘一带一路’战略的实施"(16JJD810006)
关键词 激进化 去激进化 宗教极端主义 新加坡 宗教康复小组 伊斯兰 Radicalization De-radicalization Religious Extremism Singapore Religious Rehabilitation Group Islam
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