目的 调查分类管理趋势下某医学院校教师工作不安全感的现状,分析其与敬业度、工作绩效的关系.方法 使用工作不安全感问卷、敬业度问卷、工作绩效量表对某医学院校385名教师进行测评.采用7点记分,最低1分,最高7分.对数据进行Kruskal-Wallis、结构方程模型等统计分析.结果 被调查教师的工作不安全感总中位数为[3.70(2.74,4.38)],处于中等偏低水平.薪酬晋升不安全感为[4.57(3.71,5.57)]相对突出.不同性别教师的过度竞争不安全感差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄教师的工作丧失不安全感差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同职称教师的工作不安全感及各维度差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结构方程模型分析结果显示,敬业度对工作绩效有直接效应,敬业度通过工作执行不安全感、薪酬晋升不安全感对工作绩效有部分中介效应,通过过度竞争不安全感对工作绩效有完全中介效应.结论 性别、年龄、职称对工作不安全感有影响.总体上,工作执行不安全感、工作丧失不安全感、过度竞争不安全感对工作绩效有负向作用,薪酬晋升不安全感对工作绩效以正向作用为主.管理者应采取有针对性的措施,增加积极因素,减少消极因素,提高工作绩效.
Objective The status quo of the job insecurity of a medical college faculties and their relationship with the degree of engagement and job performance in the trends of classified management were systematically studied.Methods The job insecurity questionnaire,the job satisfaction questionnaire and the work performance scale were used to evaluate 385 faculties in a medical college.Questionnaire was used in 7 points,the lowest 1 point,the highest 7 point.Results The total average score of job insecurity of medical college faculties is [3.70 (2.74,4.38)].Insecurity of payment and promotion scale is the highest of [4.57 (3.71,5.57)].The level of insecurity of excessive competition varies depending on different gender(P < 0.05);The level of insecurity of job loss varies depending on different age (P < 0.05);The level of job insecurity and each scale varies depending on different tide(all P < 0.05).According to structural equation model,engagement has direct effect on job performance,and engagement has partial mediating effect on the relationship between insecurity of excessive competition and job performance,insecurity of payment and job performance.Engagement has full mediating effect on the relationship between insecurity of excessive competition and job performance.Conclusions The overall job insecurity of the faculties involved in the survey is low,with a higher insecurity of payment and promotion.Gender,age,title have an impact on job insecurity.Totally,insecurity of job execution,insecurity of job loss and insecurity of excessive competition have negative effect on job performance,especially for insecurity of job execution,insecurity of payment and promotion mainly has positive effect on job performance.Managers should take measures to increase the positive factors and decrease the negative factors to improve job performance.
Han Wei;Hao Shuwei;Li Runhong(Administrative Office of lnstitute for Medical Humanities, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China;Department of Medical Psychology of Institute for Medical Humanities, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China)
Chinese Journal of Medical Education