针对目前市场上大部分智能家居产品采用手机客户端控制,控制入口深、用户操作不便的问题,设计了一款具有语音交互功能的智能家居主控。该语音主控基于语音识别技术和Zig Bee技术,硬件上由科大讯飞AIUI语音处理模块、Zig Bee通信模块、麦克风阵列等组成。在软件上集成科大讯飞SDK编写了语音识别程序,实现家庭设备的语音控制;同时,编写软件程序实现手机客户端与语音主控的本地通信以及语音主控与阿里云服务器的远程通信;最后,设计实验并测试语音主控在本地与远程数据传输的延时与丢包情况。测试结果表明,本地与远程数据传输的平均延时分别为40ms和607ms,丢包率分别为0.038%和0.16%,数据传输的实时性与准确性可以满足智能家居场景的实际应用需求。
A smart home central control module with voice interaction function is designed in this paper.Based on speech recognition technology and Zig Bee technology,the central control module consists of IFLYTEK AIUI speech recognition module,Zig Bee communication module,microphone array etc.Integrated IFLYTEK SDK,a speech recognition program is written to realize voice control of household equipment.At the same time,local and remote communication software program are designed to realize local communication between mobile client and central control module and remote communication between central control module and Ali cloud server.The test results show that the average delay of local transmission is 40 ms,the packet loss rate is 0.038%,the average delay of remote data transmission is 607 ms,the packet loss rate is 0.16%,so the real-time and accuracy of data transmission can meet the practical application needs of smart home scenario.
Industrial Control Computer