Expenditure poverty refers to the type of povertyin which,due to some risk experiences,the fixed expenditure of a certain family is too high and beyond the family's affordability,therefore results in the unsustainability of basic livelihood of the family. Families encountering expenditures poverty are mainlylocated in poor communities,which have the characteristics of labor force shortage,heavy education burden,network resources shortage,and high frequency of risk encounter. The main predicaments of above-mentioned families are the imbalance between income and expenditure,as well as the insufficiency of means of livelihood. Families encountering expenditures poverty can be divided into four types:mono-genesis accidental forming model, mono-genesis gradual forming model, multi-genesis accidental forming model,and multi-genesis gradual forming model. From the first model to the fourth model,the complexity of poverty deepens. Risk experience is the direct inducement of expenditure poverty,and weak family resilience is the inner root of expenditure poverty. The insufficiency of development motivation on the part of family members accelerates the sustainability of expenditure poverty. Additionally,the deficiency of social security is a structural factor of expenditure poverty of families. It is suggested that the governance of expenditure poverty should focus on improving the resilience of poor families,as well as the development condition of poor families.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)