
一流的大学教师为何离去——美国印地安那大学特色退休制度的兴弃及反拨效应 被引量:4

Retirement Benefits and Teacher Turnover:A Case Study of Indiana University in the U.S.(1980s to Late 1990s)
摘要 20世纪80年代初至90年代末的20年,美国学术界经历了与我国今日颇似的历程——高水平大学日逾重视研究成果,以学科为指向的专业学术共同体成形、教师的"学科人"身份逐渐清晰。一流学者或为追求更开阔的学术发展平台、或优渥的薪资待遇,而更加频繁地校际流动。与我国大多数大学相似——案例大学虽在某些学科领域具有相当实力,但尚不足以独占鳌头,须不断充实人才、力保优势。不幸的是,在这一时期,大学废弃了一批以退休制度为代表的学校特色制度,有效的人才聚拢圩堤溃塌,英才外流加速。 During the two decades between the 1980 s to late 1990 s,prestigious universities in the U. S. began to attach far more importance to research than to teaching. The university teacher was gradually transformed from a teaching position into an academic one. In other words,the university teacher became"the academic man",who prefers to identify himself not as teaching staff but a member of the academic community of his own field of study. As a result,many good teachers frequently changed from one university to another,in pursuit of academic excellence as well as better pay. At that time,Indiana University,though well-recognized in a few fields of study,was a not-so-elite university in the U. S. It had difficulty in attracting and maintaining top talents. What's worse,due to ever-tightening budgets,the university had to abolish things like retirement benefits for the faculty,which finally led to a damaging brain drain.Many higher education institutions in China today are facing similar problems confronting Indiana University 30 years ago. Therefore,lessons we learned here are also applicable to China.
作者 任玥 Ren Yue;
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期51-60,113,共10页 Modern University Education
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金一般课题"一流学科教师学术信念形成机制研究" 项目编号:BIA160115
关键词 美国大学 “双一流” 特色制度建设 人才外流 universities in the U.S. "Double First Class" project retirement benefits brain drain
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