解决好山区乡村问题对建设小康社会和实现全面发展具有重要意义。文章基于景观格局指数,以陇南市为研究对象,借助Arc GIS、Geo Da空间分析工具,从数量、规模、形态、邻近度出发,探索了山区乡村聚落在不同空间尺度上的分布特征。结果表明:(1)陇南市独院和小型聚落数量庞大,占乡村聚落总数的79.25%,大、中型聚落数量相对较小,但面积占乡村聚落总面积的79.66%;(2)西和县的中西部和徽县的中部是单位土地面积上乡村聚落数量和面积高值出现的热点区;(3)陇南市乡村聚落规模在东西方向上呈现"中部较东西两侧大,东部略大于西部"的特点,在南北方向上呈现"自南向北缓慢增加"的特点;(4)陇南山区最西端有一个狭小的聚落形态规整带,其余地方乡村聚落的形态普遍不规整;(5)陇南山区乡村聚落形状指数存在高值与高值聚集、低值与低值聚集的特点;(6)陇南市乡村聚落的土地利用集约水平较高,聚落显著聚集的村有1937个,占全市行政村个数的61.16%,并且显著聚集的村在空间上集中分布。
China has numerous mountainous areas, which accommodate a large number of villages. Solving therural problems in mountainous areas is of great significance to the construction of a well-off society and to theoverall development of China. In this paper, based on the landscape pattern indices, taking Longnan City ofGansu Province as an example, with the help of Arc GIS and Geo Da spatial analysis tools, starting from thenumber, size, morphology and spatial proximity, the distribution characteristics of rural settlements on differentspatial scales were explored. The results showed that detached house and small settlements in Longnanaccounted for 79.25% of the total rural settlements, while the large and medium-sized settlements, though insmall number, accounted for 79.66% of the city's rural settlement area. The midwest of Xihe county and themiddle of Hui county were hot areas where quantity and area of rural settlements per unit area of land werehigh. The scale of rural settlements in the east-west direction presented a feature that the middle was largerthan the east and west, and the rural settlement in the east was slightly larger than that in the west, besides, inthe north-south direction, it presented a slow growth trend from south to north. Overall, the forms of ruralsettlements in Longnan mountainous area were not regular, but there was a narrow regular band located in the western end of this area. The rural settlements shape index in Longnan had the characteristics of high valueand high value aggregation, low value and low value aggregation. Land was generally occupied intensively byrural settlement in Longnan, there were 1937 villages with significantly aggregated settlements, accounted for61.16% of total villages in this city, and showed significant aggregation in spatial distribution.
Dang Guofeng1'2, Qin Wen1(1.College of Geography and Environment Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070; 2Digital Land and GIS Development and Application Research Institute of Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 75007)
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
landscape pattern indices
spatial proximity