In view of the dynamic nature of urban-rural relationship, the feature of rural environment being open and the tendency of rural economic development, the paper proposes a revised definition of rural geography, i.e. rural geography is concerned with the law of the areal differentiation of rural social and economic activities and the law of urban-rural interaction. Then the main features and achievements of development of rural geography are summarized: 1) Rural geographiers' current research interests show a shift away from the study on agricultural geography to the integrated development study on primary, rural industrial and tertiary activities of rural areas; 2) Rural settlement geography has gradually lost its central position, rural geographers are increasingly orienting their attentions towards the comprehensive study on rural spatial system including rural landscape, rural economy and society and human organizations; 3) Besides taking into account rural enviroment, consideration has been given to the linkages and interactions between rural areas and urban areas; 4) Geography of rural development has been combined with rural development planning and policies; 5) In the investigation of rural development, both 'top-down' approach and 'bottom-up' approach are applied parallelly. At the same time, the weak points in rural geography are pointed out. Finally, the research priorities of rural geography in China in 1990s are suggested:
(1) The study on rural economic types and rural economic regionalization.
(2) Agricultural development and land use.
(3) The systematic study on rural spatial organizations.
(4) The dynamic geographical research on rural development.
(5) The rising, deepening and systematization of sub-disciplines of rural geography.
(6) The integrated development planning of rural economy and society.
Acta Geographica Sinica