

Sexual Selection,Mating and Fecundity of Basilepta melanopus(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae),A Defoliator of Camellia Oleifera
摘要 【目的】角胸叶甲(鞘翅目:叶甲科)是危害油茶叶子的重要害虫。研究角胸叶甲性选择和交配及产卵等行为学特性,为性干扰诱杀技术提供理论依据。【方法】从湖南永安镇油茶林土壤中挖出越冬代幼虫在室内连续繁殖,羽化后单头饲养,配对后观察其交配行为(记录交配前、交配和交配后3个阶段的交配行为)、交配产卵日节律(统计白昼和夜晚的交配次数和产卵量)、长期配对下成虫体质量及交配经历对性选择的影响。【结果】成虫羽化5~6天后开始交配,日平均交配(5±4.2)次,交配持续时间最短1 min,最长可达40 min,平均交配持续时间(18.88±9.3)min。交配后6~7天开始产卵,平均每雌产卵量为(275.5±131.4)粒。交配活动在10:00次数最多,其次在16:00、18:00较为密集。在下午有2个明显的产卵高峰期,分别为16:00和18:00,另外,在14:00、22:00及2:00产卵量相对较多,其他时间产卵量极少。雌虫喜欢选择体型小的雄虫进行交配,雄虫喜欢与有交配经历的雌虫进行交配。【结论】角胸叶甲成虫可进行多次交配,成虫体型对性选择有一定影响,成虫的交配经历也是影响性选择的一个重要因素。 【Objective】Basilepta melanopus is a defoliator of Camellia oleifera in southern China. The sexual selection,mating,and fecundity of B. melanopus(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were studied to determine the pest occurrence mechanisms. It may help in the development of sex pheromone used in trapping method for controlling the pest.【Method】Mature overwintered larvae were collected from the soil under the trees of Camellia oleifera in Yongan(Changsha,Hunan),and reared in the laboratory to obtain adults for this experiment. Mating pairs of newly eclosed adults were placed in a plastic box,where their mating behavior was observed(pre-copulation,copulation and post-copulation),along with the mating and oviposition circadian rhythms(counting the number of eggs laid and the matings during the day and at night). The influences on these behaviors of prior mating experience and long-term pairing were also explored.【Result】Adults of B. melanopus began to mate in 5-6 days after eclosion,and mated on average(5 ± 4. 2) times per day. Mating period lasted from 1-40 min,for an average of(18. 9 ± 9. 3) min. In six to seven days after their last mating,females began to lay eggs,mean egg-production was(275. 5 ± 131. 4). Mating behavior occurred most frequently at 10: 00,accounting for about 40% of total mating,followed by at 16: 00 and 18: 00 and a low level mating was observed only at the rest time. Oviposition activity peaked two times at 16: 00,18: 00,besides,at 14: 00 and 22: 00,to less at2: 00 oviposition also had smaller peaks. Females tended to choose smaller males to mate with,while males tended to mate with non-virgin females.【Conclusion】 Female and male adults of B. melanopus mated multiple times,and both body size and mating experience of adults had significant effects on sexual selection.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期74-80,共7页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 Technology System of Modern Agricultural Industry in Hunan Province funded by Hunan Agricultural Union(2012278) Project of Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province(2011FJ4298) Project of Education Department of Hunan Province(15C0672)
关键词 角胸叶甲 性选择 交配行为 产卵行为 Basilepta melanopus sexual selection mating behavior fecundity behavior
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