Inquiry to the nine-boundaries military burgs'establishment,we should not only investigate on its association with garrison's defending systems,the military officers'appointment and their responsibilities,but also should incorporate the habitual review of peoples in those days.In 1368,the establishment of Dusi and Weisuo(different levels of military garrisons)marked the formation of the military burgs in the north.Dusi is the defencesystem consisted of military burgs equal to Weisuo,while the location of Dusi is one military burg where there the court dispatched the general to garrison and control.Ningxia Garrison was set at around Hongwu Second(1369),the formation of Ningxia burg was between August and September,while it was nominated as a military burg was in August,the 35thyear(1402)of Hongwu.
the beginning of Ming Dynasty
Ningxia Garrison
Ningxia Burg