利用先进的Prefil-Footprint测渣仪及扫描电镜,对保温炉出口的5182铝合金熔体取样,分析其中所含的夹渣物,精准地辨别各类夹渣并分析其来源,改变了只知5182铝合金夹渣多但并不清楚为何渣多、是何种夹渣的现状,提升了对夹渣物的认识。经取样分析确认5182铝合金熔体中常见的夹渣为Al_2O_3、MgO、TiB_2、尖晶石(Spinel)、尖晶石结晶(Spinel crystal)、类尖晶石(Spinel-like)。Al_2O_3、MgO是5182铝合金熔炼过程中必然产生的氧化物,当入炉废料过多、熔炼温度过高及停留时间过长、炉内清洁程度不足等将造成TiB_2、尖晶石(Spinel)、尖晶石结晶(Spinel crystal)、类尖晶石(Spinel-like)夹渣物产生。分析夹渣物的种类来源为进一步提升熔体质量指出了改进方向。
Melt samples of 5182 aluminum alloy taken from the outlet of the holding fur- nace, types and source of the melt inclusions are analyzed with the advanced Prefil-Footprint and SEM. The investigation changes the original situation that researchers don't know what causes so many inclusions and what kinds of inclusions there are. Thus the knowledge about them are expanded. Common inclusions in 5182 aluminum melt are A1203, MgO, TiB/, Spi- nel, Spinel crystal, and Spinel-like. Al2O3 and MgO among them are inevitable oxide in the melting process of 5182 aluminum alloy. But the other inclusions like TiB2, Spinel, Spinel crystal and Spinel-like will appear when there are too many scraps in the incoming materials, melting temperature is too high, holding time is too long, or the furnace bath is not clean e- nough. The investigation of types and source of inclusions will provide a basis for further im- provement of the melt quality.
Light Alloy Fabrication Technology