

A Review on the Eye-track Research of Preschoolers’ Print Awareness
摘要 运用眼动技术探讨幼儿阅读图画书时的文字注视特点,是有关幼儿文字意识研究的新方法和技术进步。通过对国内外采用眼动技术探讨幼儿文字意识研究文献的梳理发现,注视次数、注视时间和注视轨迹等是分析幼儿文字意识常用的眼动指标,幼儿个体特征、阅读方式和图文排版形式等是影响幼儿文字意识的重要因素。未来的研究可从研究内容、研究对象和分析方法上加以拓展。 Using eye movement technology to study the basic characteristics and rules of children's print awareness while reading picture book is a new research method and technology progress in this field. A review of the literature on children's print awareness by using eye movement technology both at home and abroad shows that the number of gaze, gaze time and the trajectory of gaze are the eye movement used by researchers to analyze children's print awareness. Children's individual characteristics, reading mode and typesetting form are the important factors that affect children's print awareness. Future research should focus on research content, subject and analysis methods.
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2018年第1期73-76,共4页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 幼儿 文字意识 眼动研究 图画书阅读 preschooler print awareness eye-track research picture book reading
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