利用科技文本可视化软件Cite SpaceⅢ,以Web of Science核心合集数据库收录的互联网商业模式文献为研究样本,基于知识图谱理论,对科研力量合作分布状况、研究热点、知识基础迁移以及研究前沿进行科学计量分析。研究发现,互联网商业模式正处于跨学科融合快速发展的阶段,形成价值创新、管理创新、技术创新"三位一体"的创新机制,完善基于平台整合的交易生态圈、构建数据和金融驱动的产业链分享经济是未来的主要发展方向。最后,依据研究结论对我国互联网商业模式未来发展提出建议。
With scientific literature visualization software--CiteSpacem, this paper takes the literature about business in- temet model recorded by Web of Science Core Collectionas a study sample. Based on the theory ofmapping knowledge do- mains, this article analyzes the academic cooperation between countries (regions) and research institutions, research hots- pot, key articles, knowledge transformation and research font. With the rapid development of interdisciplinary integration, it is discovered that intemet business model has formed an innovative mechanism (value innovation -management innova- tion- technology innovation), and the future developing direction is to improve the trading ecosystem based on platforms and build the industry sharing economy driven by data and finance. Finally, in terms of the research conclusion, this paper proposes corresponding suggestions and implications for domestic development of intemet business model.
Science and Technology Management Research