Background: SAPHO syndrome is a rare clinical syndrome with diverse manifestations, mainly affecting the skin and joints. However, the lesions related to bone and joints are not well understood by clinicians, leading to misdiagnosis in clinical settings. Objective: To retrospectively evaluate CT features of sacroiliac joint(SIJ) disorders in SAPHO syndrome, thus increasing the awareness of SAPHO syndrome among clinicians and improving its diagnostic accuracy. Meth Methods: Seventy SAPHO patients who presented to the Peking Union Medical College Hospital between November 2014 and December 2015 were enrolled in this study. Clinical and imaging materials were retrospectively evaluated and the CT features of SIJ disorders were summarized. Results: Totally 31 patients(44.3%, 31/70) were involved with SIJ disorder. Among these patients, 19(61.3%) were involved bilaterally and 12(38.7%) unilaterally. The lesion mainly located in the iliac in 12 patients(38.7%) and in the sacrum in 13 patients(41.9%). Detailed parts of the joint involvement were as follows: anteroinferior synovial membrane in 7 patients(22.6%), posterosuperior ligament in 2(6.5%) and both in the remaining 22(70.9%).The CT features of SIJ disorders included: bone cystic change(9.7%), bony sclerosis(35.5%), a combination of bony erosion and sclerosis(54.8%); joint space narrowing(9.7%) and ankylosis(12.9%). Soft tissue was not obviously affected.Conclusions: SIJs are usually bilaterally involved in SAPHO patients, with a slightly high percentage of the involvement in sacrum and synovial membrane. CT manifestations are characterized by the coexistence of osteolytic and osteogenic lesions, with a low prevalence of ankylosis. These CT features could provide certain information of SAPHO syndrome. Skin lesions and other clinical information should be consulted for a comprehensive evaluation and definite diagnosis.
SHAO Xiali;XU Wenrui;LIChen;ZHAO Xue;ZHANG Weihong(Department of Radiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, PUMC & CAMS, Beijing 100730;Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, PUMC & CAMPS, Beijing 100730;Department of Radiology, Beijing Huairou Hospital, Beijing 101400, China)
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery