针对现有煤矿井下低压供电系统单相漏电故障频发、无线通信覆盖范围小、无线建设成本高等问题,设计了一种基于最小二乘法的矿井低压单相漏电保护系统。该系统通过DSP处理器将采集到的零序信息量进行最小二乘算法求解得到对地参数,根据对地分布参数的极性确定故障线路。通过Wi Fi模块将故障信息上传至One Net,借助One Net平台实现对井下线路漏电的监控与保护。
The existing low voltage power supply system in coal mine has many problems,for instance, the single phase leakage fault occurs frequently, the wireless communication coverage is small, the wireless construction costs are high and so on,a low voltage single-phase earth leakage protection system based on least square algorithm is designed. Through the DSP processor, the system collects the zero sequence information collected by the least square algorithm to get the parameters of the ground, and then determines the fault line according to the polarity of the parameters of the ground distribution. The fault information is uploaded to the OneNet through the WiFi module. And the monitoring and protection of the underground circuit leakage are realized by means of the OneNet platform.
Coal Technology