In the secondary air system of typical median and small aeroengines,the cooling and rim sealing air for High Pressure Turbine(HPT)is normally drawn through the impeller rear cavity,so the thorough understanding of the flow characteristics and pressure distribution in a rotor-stator cavity with radial inflow,represented by the impeller rear cavity,is the key to realize the functions of secondary air system. The present paper is devoted to the numerical investigations of flow characteristics and pressure distribution in a rotor-stator cavity of different aspect ratio with various radial inflow. Some conclusions are made as following. The basic flow with various radial inflow in the cavity,whose aspect ratio varies between 0.01 and 0.2,belongs to the Batchelor-type family,the two boundary layers adjacent to the disc are separated by a central rotating core. When the radial Rossby number is much smaller than 1,the N-S equation for tangential component of the flow in the rotating core reduces to the balance of the centrifugal force and the radial pressure gradient,therefore the radial distribution of pressure is decided by the central core swirl ratio β. The flow in a rotor-stator cavity which satisfies the simplified equation is controlled by the inlet swirl ratio β_0,turbulent flow parameter λ_T,aspect ratio G. Furthermore,the numerical investigation shows that the radial distribution of β can be correlated,in the case of small aspect ratio,according to a 5/7 power-law. On the other hand,in the case of big aspect ratio the radial distribution of β can be correlated according to a modified 5/7 power-law. By acquiring the expression of β,the pressure distribution can be calculated in the rotor-stator cavity with a radial inflow.
Journal of Propulsion Technology