
神经阻滞治疗开颅术后重度颅外神经痛的效果:33例回顾性分析 被引量:5

A retrospective analysis of efficacy of neural blockade in treating severe extracranial neuralgia aftercraniotomy in 33 patients
摘要 回顾性分析本院疼痛门诊2010年1月至2017年3月期间,采用神经阻滞方法治疗33例药物治疗无效的开颅术后重度颅外神经痛患者,男21例,女12例,年龄20~59岁,急性开颅术后头痛(3个月内)27例,持久性开颅术后头痛(3个月以上)6例。神经阻滞药物为曲安萘德10mg+0.4%利多卡因溶液,每个穿刺点注射1~3ml。与治疗前比较,首次治疗后疼痛评分降低。27例急性开颅术后头痛患者中96%(26例)仅接受1次神经阻滞,4%(1例)接受2次神经阻滞后疼痛完全缓解;6例持久性开颅术后头痛患者中50%(3例)接受2次神经阻滞、33%(2例)接受3次神经阻滞、17%(1例)接受4次神经阻滞后疼痛完全缓解。平均疼痛完全缓解时间5(1~30)d。随访1个月无一例复发。均未见穿刺点感染、注射痛以及类固醇激素应用后相关的高血压等不良反应发生。综上所述,神经阻滞可安全有效地用于开颅术后重度颅外神经痛的治疗。 Thirty-three patients with severe extraeranial neuralgia after craniotomy (21 male, 12 female) , aged 20-59 yr, in whom drug treatment was ineffective, 27 patients with headache following a- cute craniotomy (within 3 months) and 6 patients with headache after long-time craniotomy (more than 3 months) underwent neural blockade from January 2010 to March 2017 in Pain Clinic at our hospital. Their treatment and outcomes were analyzed retrospectively. The solution for neural blockade contained triamcin- olonc acetonide 10 ml and 0.4% lidoeaine solution and was injected into each puncture site ( 1 - 3 ml). Pain scores were decreased after the initial neural blockade when compared with that before therapy. Among the 27 patients with headache after acute craniotomy, there were 26 patients (96%) in whom complete pain relief was achieved only after one block and 1 patient (4%) after 2 times of block. Among the 6 pa- tients with headache after long-time eraniotomy, there were 3 patients (50%) in whom complete pain re- lief was achieved after 2 times of block, 2 patients (33%) after 3 times and 1 patient (17%) after 4 times. The average time of achieving complete pain relief was 5 ( 1 - 30) days. No recurrence was found during one-month follow-up period. No infection at the puneture site, injection pain or related adverse reac- tions after application of steroid hormones was observed. Neural blockade can be safely and effectively used to treat severe extraeranial neuralgia after eraniotomy.
出处 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1326-1328,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
基金 北京市卫生系统高层次人才(学科骨干)项目(2014-3-035)
关键词 神经传导阻滞 颅骨切开术 神经痛 Nerve block Craniotomy Neuralgia
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