目的分析龙岗区2006—2016年疟疾流行状况及流行特征,为龙岗区消除疟疾工作提供技术参考。方法通过中国疾病预防控制信息报告管理系统、寄生虫病防治信息管理系统、疟疾个案调查表、疟疾个案流行病学报告等途径收集并整理龙岗区2006—2016年"三热"病人血涂片镜检结果和疟疾疫情报告信息,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2006—2016年全区血检监测"三热"病人50 674人次,平均血检率为1.34‰,发现阳性患者172人,血检阳性率0.34%。累计报告疟疾病例85例,其中本地病例7例,输入性病例78例,最后一例本地感染病例发生在2009年。病例高峰主要集中于7—9月;按地区分布,坂田街道、布吉街道占报告病例的50%;病例以青壮年男性为主,男女比例4.3∶1,年龄段主要集中于20~40岁,多为境外务工人员。发病时间、地区分布以及病例基本特征主要取决于辖区内跨境企业境外务工人员的出境、住所等因素。结论龙岗区近5年疟疾发病率平稳且低于1/万,"三热"病人血检率超辖区服务人口1‰,符合消除疟疾考核评估验收要求。随着消除疟疾工作的推进,龙岗区输入性病例逐渐转变为以境外输入病例、恶性疟病例为主。由于恶性疟存在病情进展迅速、容易出现重症病例等特点,医护人员、疟防工作者应继续加强疟疾监测、防控。
Objective To understand the epidemic situation and characteristics of malaria in Longgang District,Shenzhen City from 2006 to 2016, so as to provide the reference for malaria elimination. Methods All the data of malariapatients in Longgang District from 2006 to 2016 were collected from China Information System for Disease Control andPrevention, Information System for Control of Parasitic Diseases, malaria case investigations, and malaria case epidemiologicalreports and these data were analyzed with the descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 50 674 feverish peoplewere tested for malaria from 2000 to 2016, and the rate of blood tests was 1.34‰. Totally 172 people got positive results, andthe positive rate was 0.34%. From 2011 to 2016, there were 85 malaria cases reported, including 7 local cases and 78 importedcases. The last local case was reported in 2009. Most of the cases were reported in July, August, and September. Nearly half ofthe cases were reported in Bantian Street and Buji Street. Most of the cases were males aged from 20 to 40 years, and the ratioof male to female was 4.3∶1. The characteristics of the distribution of the cases were influenced by the feature of overseaworkers. Conclusions During the 5 years, the morbidity of malaria in Longgang District is stable and below 1/104, and theblood test rate of suspected malaria patients were over 1‰, which is conformed to the requirement of malaria elimination.However the imported cases and falciparum malaria cases are increasing and they are easy to become severe cases. Therefore,it is still necessary to strengthen the monitoring and control work.
China Tropical Medicine
malaria, epidemic situation