
海南省定安县疟疾防控措施与效果分析 被引量:3

The measures and effects of prevention and control of malaria in Ding'an,Hainan
摘要 目的分析定安县疟疾防控效果,为巩固疟疾消除成果制定措施提供科学依据。方法收集定安县1951—2015年疟疾防控工作资料,对疟疾的防控措施与效果进行描述分析与总结。结果在定安县疟疾控制流行阶段,疟疾发病率从1955年最高的2 198/万下降到1966年的5.72/万,疟疾死亡率从最高的0.95/万,自1960年后再无出现死亡病例。常态化管理阶段的防治策略是规范传染源监测与治疗,加强人群健康教育,共治疗病人1 007人,医务人员培训1 225人次,"四热"病人血检18 205人次,1967—2005年疟疾发病率在4.93/万以下。全球基金疟疾项目实施阶段采取的疟疾防控措施主要为休治期治疗1 515人,药物浸泡蚊帐22 663顶,"三热"病人血检7 851人,开展县对乡级督导检查125次,乡对村级督导584次,开展各级培训28次,培训基层防疟工作人员612人次,2006—2009年疟疾年发病率控制在1/万以下,2007年后再也没有恶性疟发生,居民疟原虫带虫率由1957年8.06%下降到1975年的0.00%,2007年为0.2%,2008年为0.13%,2009年居民疟原虫带虫率为0.00%。消除疟疾阶段,采取控制传染源为主,辅以防制媒介、保护易感人群和全民健康促进的综合性防治策略,处置临床诊断病例1例,"三热"病人血检19 605人,疟疾防治人员培训数878人次,疟疾临床医生培训数367人次,疟疾检验人员培训数116人次,健康教育材料发放数129 420份,2011—2015年连续5年没有本地确诊病例报告。结论定安县下一步将进入疟疾消除巩固阶段,做好疟疾流动人口的管理、输入疫情的处置、重症病人的救治以及加大疟疾防治知识宣传是疟疾防控工作的重点。 Objective In order to analyze the prevention and control effect of malaria in Ding'an, and we providescientific basis for taking measures to strengthen the following achievements of malaria eliminating. Methods The workingdocuments of the preventing and controlling practices of malaria in Ding'an between 1951 and 2015 were collected to getdescriptive analysis for the preventing, controlling practices and effects of malaria. Results In the period of malaria epidemiccontrol in Dingan County, the highest incidence of malaria in 1955 was 2 198/10 000 and the incidence was decreased to 5.72/10 000 in 1966. And there also was not a death case since 1960. The mortality decreased from 0.95/10 000 to 0. The measuresof prevention and control during normalization management stage improved supervision and treatment of infection source,strengthened the health education of human beings. There were 1 007 patients were treated, 1 225 medical personnels receivedtraining, 18 205‘four heated patients' detected by blood examination.The incidence of malaria in 1967-2005 was between 0and 4.93/10 000. The measures of prevention and control during the stage of carrying out global fund of malaria were treated1 515 personnels in adjustment stage, dipped 22 663 mosquito nets in drugs, detected 7 851‘three heated patients' by bloodexamination, carried out 'county to town' and 'town to village' supervision and inspection 125 and 584 times, carried outtrainings of different levels 28 times and 612 person-times worked to resist malaria received training. The incidence of malariawere under 1 /10 000 in 2006-2009, falciparum malaria never happened since 2007. Malaria parasite carrying rate of residentsin 1957 was 8.06% and decreased to 0.00%, 0.28%%, 0.13%, 0.00% respectively in 1975, 2007, 2008 and 2009. In the stageof eliminating malaria, the primary measure was control the injection source, the secondary measures were control intermediary,protect the susceptible population and improve the health of human beings. 1 case of
作者 莫周武 符策秦 陈浩南 MO Zhouwu FU Ceqin CHEN Haonan(Ding'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ding an, Hainan 571200, China)
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2017年第1期83-86,共4页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 疟疾 防控措施 效果 malaria prevention and control measures effects
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