通过对岩棉板浸水28 d处理,发现岩棉板的压缩强度降低了约27%,垂直于表面的抗拉强度降低了约35%,酸度系数没有发生明显变化;通过对不同湿度环境下岩棉的含湿率及稳态传热率的研究,发现岩棉板在相对湿度≤85%的环境中,其稳态传热率随着环境相对湿度的增大而逐渐增大,近似成线性关系;当岩棉板长期处于相对湿度为95%的环境中时,其表面会凝结水珠,使岩棉板的稳态传热率突然增大,比在绝干状态下增大了251.4%,岩棉板的稳态传热率随着其质量含湿率的增加而逐渐增大,且表现出良好的线性关系y=0.0105x+0.0326,相关系数高达0.9987。
It is shown that the compressive strength and the tensile strength of perpendicular to the surface of rock woolboard which has been soaked for 28 day have changed. The compressive strength and the tensile strength of the treated specimensdecreased by about 27% and 35% respectively. Meanwhile,the acidity coefficient of the rock wool board has no apparent variation.Through the research of the rock wool board's moisture content and stead-state thermal transmissivity in different humidityenvironment, it's shown that when the specimens are in the environment that relative humidity is below or equal to 85%,stead-state thermal transmissivity gradually increased with the increase of the environment" relative humidity. What" more,their relation isapproximately linearity. When the specimens are in the environment that relative humidity is 95% for a long time,the surface ofthe specimens will been covered with condensing water. As a result,the stead-state thermal transmissivity of the rock wool boardget an abrupt increase and has increase by 251.4% than that of absolutely dried condition. The stead-state thermal transmissivityof the specimens gradually increase with the increase of quality moisture content, whlch shows an good linear correlation,y=0.0105x+0.0326. Their correlation coefficient is high to 0.9987.
New Building Materials
rock wool board, moisture, stead-state thermal transmissivity