基于1966—2015年长海县大风月分布天数,对长海县年、季大风日数和风向频数分布情况进行分析,得出大风分布情况。结果表明,长海县大风日数年际变化总体呈减少趋势,年变化率为-13 d/10年,全球的气候变化、人类活动的城市效应对大风日数的减少有直接或间接影响;从四季变化率来看,冬季大风日数减少最快,夏季减少最慢,春季和秋季相同;从大风日数风向频数分布图来看,近50年长海县大风日数累计统计频数分布主要以N(北风)、NNW(北西北风)为主导风向,E(东风)、W(西风)为弱导风向。
Based on the gale days in Changhai County from 1966 to 2015 ,the seasonal and annual distribution of the gale days and frequency distribution of wind direction in Changhai County were analyzed.The results showed that the annual variation of gale days in Changhai County was reduced overall,the annual change rate was -13 d per decade,the global climate change and the urbanization of human activities had a direct or indirect relation to the decrease of gale days.From the change rate of four seasons ,the change rate of winter was the fastest ,the change rate of summer was the slowest, the change rate of spring and autumn was the same.In view of the frequency distribution of gale days, in nearly 50 years the cumulative frequency of the number of gale days in C hanghai County was mainly dominated by N (north wind) and NNW (north northwest wind ), E (east wind) and W(west wind)was the weak wind.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology