在高凝原油输送管道的设计与运营管理中,流动安全保障问题尤为突出。以中海油国外某高凝原油管道设计为例,针对管道与转运站分属不同管理作业方的特殊模式,提出两种热输送设计方案。在加热、热水预热与置换方案中,经计算预热时预热水最佳温度为84℃,预热水流量越大越好,建议管道设计输量为6 359 m3/d,并对正、反向置换预热的优缺点进行了比较;在集肤效应电伴热方案中,通过技术经济性比选确定了管道保温层厚度取80 mm,集肤效应电伴热系统加热功率设置为2 534 k W,同时对集肤效应电伴热方案相对于加热、热水预热与置换方案的优势进行了分析探讨。
Flow assurance is very important in the design and operation management of the transportation pipeline. Some CNOOC aboard high pour point crude oil pipeline is taken as an example, and aiming at the special mode that the pipeline and the transfer post are belong to different management and operation parties,two heat transport design plans are put forward.In the heating,hot water preheating and displacement plan,through calculation it is known that during preheating process the best temperature of preheating water is 84 ℃. The greater of the preheating water flow rate, the better for preheating.The designed throughout should be 6359 m^3/d.The advantages and disadvantages of forward and backward direction displacement preheating are compared. In the skin effect electric heat tracing scheme, through technical and economical comparison, it is determined that the thickness of the pipeline insulation layer thickness should be 80 mm, and the heating power of skin effect electric heat tracing system should be 2534 kW. At the same time, compared with the heating, hot water preheating and displacement plan,the advantage of skin effect heat tracing plan is analyzed and discussed.
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
high pour point crude oil
crude oil transportation pipeline
flow assurance
skin effect electric heat tracing
shutdown and restart