
全球变化下资源利用的挑战与展望 被引量:17

Resource utilization under global change:challenges and outlook
摘要 近10多年来,全球变化已经成为了地理科学、生态学和环境科学等学科最主要的研究方向之一,而全球变化影响下的资源利用问题对于资源科技工作者而言既是挑战也是机遇。本文阐明了全球变化的多元性和复杂性特征,提出:(1)全球变化不仅仅指气候变化,而且涵盖了由自然和人文因素所引起的全球尺度地球系统功能变化,存在极其复杂的经济、社会、资源、环境、技术等多重因素相互作用过程;(2)全球尺度上的变化过程已由过去的单一经济格局变动演变成经济、社会、政治、人口、资源、环境、科技等多要素之间耦合或胁迫的复杂过程;(3)全球资源利用面临着七大共同挑战,新的全球资源格局逐渐形成;(4)进入新时代的中国应对全球变化下资源利用挑战,应采取内外并举的双向战略,即对外大力推动"一带一路"倡议在国际上取得重大突破,力图构建新的全球资源治理体系,保障国际资源供给安全;对内积极实施"十三五"创新驱动战略,挖掘资源利用科技创新的新动能,保障国家资源需求安全。 In the last decade, global change has become a leading research area in geoscience,ecological science and environmental science. Tools such as geodesign, big data, cloud computing,material flow and resource flow analysis, resource metabolism and industrial ecology have been applied to global change. The study of resource utilization requires continual innovation to create new perspectives, methodologies and approaches. This study illustrates the diversity and complexity of global change, analyzes the overall challenge of resource utilization, and presents an outlook on China's coping strategies and prospects. First, global change not only indicates climate change but also covers the changes in earth systems caused by natural and humanistic elements at a global scale. Second, resource and environment systems are an important component of earth lifesupporting systems, it is implied that the impacts at the global scale have been changed from a single economic level to the multi-levels involving economic, social, political, resource,environmental and technological factors, with interactive processes, and these processes have been shaped with more complex characteristics in speed, span, depth and strength. Third, it is widely believed that seven common challenges occurred in resource utilization would lead to a new pattern of global resource governance, even though different resources(mining, energy, water,grain) have different challenges with various features. Fourth, China should implement a twopronged strategy targeting both external and internal objectives: external objective should be the Belt and Road Initiative to establish a new system of global resource governance for guaranteeing resource supply security; the internal objective should rely on the innovation-driven strategy of the 13^th Five-Year Plan to guarantee resource demand security.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期1-10,共10页 Resources Science
基金 科技部2017年国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFA0602802) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41771566 41501604)
关键词 全球变化 资源利用 全球资源治理模式 国内外挑战 中国策略 global change resource utilization global resource governance domestic and foreign challenges China' s strategies
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