
三维斑点追踪成像评价高血压患者左心室扭转动力学 被引量:1

Evaluation of left ventricular torsion dynamics in hypertensive patients by three-dimensional speckle tracking imaging
摘要 目的应用三维超声斑点追踪技术(3D-STE)评价原发性高血压(EH)患者[左心室射血分数(LVEF)正常]左心室扭转运动及其临床应用价值。方法 76例EH患者,按Ganau等左心室几何构型分类法,依据左室质量指数(LVMI)、相对室壁的厚度(RWT)不同分为左心室构型正常(LVN)组(28例)、左心室向心性重构(CCR)组(22例)及左心室向心性肥厚(CCH)组(26例),同时选取30例健康体检者作为正常对照组。比较四组研究对象LVEF、舒张末期左室后壁厚度(LVPWTd)、LVMI、心尖旋转角峰值(Prot-A)、心底旋转角峰值(Prot-B)、整体扭转角峰值(LVtw)和整体旋转角峰值(LVrot)。结果 CCR组、CCH组患者LVPWTd、LVMI高于正常对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);LVN组LVPWTd、LVMI与正常对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);LVN组、CCR组、CCH组LVPWTd、LVMI呈递增趋势,比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);四组LVEF比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与正常对照组比较,LVN组、CCR组和CCH组Prot-A、Prot-B、LVrot及LVtw均显著增强,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);LVN组、CCR组和CCH组患者Prot-A、Prot-B、LVrot及LVtw呈增加趋势,比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 3D-STE通过评价正常构型及左心室重构的EH患者左心室扭转动力学特征,反映左心室收缩功能的改变,指导临床早期干预,延缓高血压心脏病的病程进展。 Objective To evaluate the left ventricular torsion dynamics in essential hypertension (EH) patients [ with normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ] by three-dimensional speckle tracking technique (3D-STE) and its clinical application value. Methods A total of 76 EH patients were divided by different left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and relative ventricular wall thickness (RWT) of Ganau' s classification of left ventricular geometry into normal left ventricular (LVN) group (28 cases), left ventricular centripetal remodeling (CCR) group (22 eases) and left ventricular centripetal hypertrophy (CCH) group (26 cases). Concurrent 30 healthy physical examination eases were taken as normal control group. Comparison were made on LVEF, left ventricular posterior wall thickness of end-diastolic (LVPWTD), LVMI, peak apical rotation (Prot-A), peak basal rotation (Prot-B), left ventricular twist (LVtw) and left ventricUlar rotation (LVrot) between four groups. Results CCR group and CCH group had higher LVPWTd and LVMI than normal control group, and their difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). LVN group had no statistically significant difference in LVPWTd and LVMI, comparing with normal control group (P〉0.05). LVN group, CCR group and CCH group had an increasing trend of LVPWTd and LVMI, and the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). Four groups had no statistically significant differeiaee in LVEF (P〉O.05). Compared with normal control group, LVN group, CCR group and CCH group had enhanced Prot-A, Prot-B, LVrot and LVtw, and their difference was statistically significant (P〈O.05). LVN group, CCR group and CCH group had an increased tend of Prot-A, Prot-B, LVrot and LVtw, and their difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion 3D-STE can reflect the changes of left ventricular systolic function by evaluating the left ventricular torsion dynamics characteristics of EH patients
作者 王敏 王志斌
出处 《中国实用医药》 2018年第2期3-5,共3页 China Practical Medicine
关键词 三维斑点追踪技术 超声心动图 高血压 扭转 Three-dimensional speckle tracking technique Echocardiography Hypertension Torsion
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