
中间品贸易隐含碳排放流向追溯及多区域投入产出数据库对比——基于WIOD、Eora、EXIOBASE数据的研究 被引量:15

Tracing the Embodied Carbon in Intermediate Goods Trade and A Parallel Comparison among Multi-Regional Databases
摘要 本研究以国际社会关注的基于中间品贸易隐含碳排放问题为切入点,借鉴Steen-Olsen运用的产业部门公共分类系统,尝试对WIOD、Eora、EXIOBASE等权威的全球多区域投入产出数据库进行重新编制,通过建立环境扩展的多区域投入产出模型与隐含碳排放的测算,横向对比三个数据库的数据特征、分类特性、适用领域等,刻画全球碳排放的空间格局。庞大的数据量与地区和部门对应关系的处理是重新编制世界投入产出表过程的关键基础工作。研究发现:(1)EXIOBASE数据测算结果相对准确,WIOD结果偏低、Eora偏高;(2)碳排放系数对数据库的整合反应较为敏感,整合部门的多少与整合效应是否显著并非呈正向相关关系;(3)重新编制IO表时,合并项中包含的内容越多,合并后的结果与原数据差别越大;(4)数据是否缺失、分类是否细化、统计口径是否一致是三个数据库核算差异的主要来源;(5)发达国家是碳排放大国,但目前国际上"南北碳转移"问题突出,发展中国家生产侧排放大于消费侧,发达国家相反。 This study starts with a highly-concerned topic-the embodied carbon issue, referring to the sector Common Classification once applied by Steen-Olsen, and try to re-compile the multi-regional input-output tables from WIOD, Eora, EXIOBASE, to make a parallel comparison of data characteristics, category and scope of application among the above three databases to trace the spatial pattern of global carbon emissions. In the process of re- compiling, the most major fundamental parts lie in the processing of the huge amount of original data and finding the correspondence between regions and sectors. The findings are as follows. (1) EXIOBASE gets the most accurate results, WIOD gets a lower one and Eora gets a higher one. (2) The carbon emission coefficient is much sensitive to the integration. (3) The more content integrated in one item, the more differences there will be in the results. (4) The completeness, detailed information and the consistent sources are the three major sources of discrepancies. (5) The South-North Carbon Transfer problem is protruding, since in developing countries, production-based emissions are higher than consumption-based emissions, while the developed countries are opposite.
出处 《财贸经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期84-100,共17页 Finance & Trade Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"基于全球价值链的政府贸易救济政策决策过程重构与评估方法研究"(71774008) 国家自然科学基金青年项目"华北工业城市经济转型与生态环境的耦合机理及优化路径研究"(41701635) 2017年市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划青年拔尖项目"全球价值链背景下政府贸易救济决策过程重构与政策效果仿真模拟研究"(011000543117521)
关键词 多区域投入产出数据库 中间品贸易 隐含碳排放 全球价值链 Multi-Regional Input-Output Databases, Intermediate Goods Trade, Embodied Carbon, Global Value Chains
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