目的采用老年全成护理项目(PACE)模式对老年糖尿病患者进行管理,探讨该模式对患者自我效能的影响。方法选取2015年5月至2016年12月在某院就诊的103例老年2型糖尿病患者随机分成两组。对照组采用常规诊疗方法,干预组采用PACE管理模式,比较两组患者干预后6个月及干预1年时观察患者自我效能水平情况。结果对照组患者的自我效能干预6个月评分为(2.696±0.201)分,干预1年后的评分为(2.717±0.227)分;患者糖化血红蛋白浓度干预1年后为(8.7±1.3)%,生理功能评分为(30.1±3.7)分,社会功能评分为(9.0±1.5)分,精神维度为(29.4±3.9)分。观察组患者自我效能干预6个月评分为(3.012±0.252)分,干预1年后的评分为(3.410±0.328)分;患者的糖化血红蛋白浓度干预1年后为(7.1±0.8)%;生理功能评分为(21.3±3.9)分,社会功能评分为(7.2±1.7)分,精神维度为(20.3±4.6)分;P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 PACE管理模式可提高老年2型糖尿病患者自我效能水平,可有效提升患者的生存生活质量,最终有助于患者康复,值得在临床中推广应用。
Objectives To investigate the PACE model affects the self-efficacy in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods A total of 103 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were treated in a hospital from May 2015 to December 2016 were randomly divided into two groups. The patients in the control group were treated with PACE management mode. The patients' self-efficacy level was observed at 6 months after intervention and 1 year after intervention. Results The self-efficacy intervention group was (2. 696± 0. 201) in the control group and (2. 717± 0. 227) after 1 year. The rate of glyeosylated hemoglobin was (8.7 ± 1.3)% in 1 year and the physiological score was (30. 1± 3.7), the social function score was (9.0± 1.5), the spiritual dimension was (29.4± 3.9). The score of the self-efficacy intervention group was (3. 012 ± 0. 252) in the observation group and (3. 410 ±0. 328) after 1 year. The glycosylated hemoglobin concentration in the patients was (7. 1± 0. 8) % after 1 year; the physiological function score was (21.3±3.9), The social function score was (7.2±1.7), the mental dimension was (20. ± 4.6) ; P〈0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions The application of PACE model could improve the level of self-efficacy of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes, as well as improve their life quality effectively, finally helpful for the recovery of the patients and worth to be promoted in clinical work.
Chinese Medical Record
The program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
Type 2 diabetes
Elderly patients