
黄海勇案引渡程序研究(上)——以美洲人权法院黄海勇诉秘鲁案判决书为主要依据 被引量:10

Study on Extradition Procedure of Wong Ho Wing Case:from the Judgement of Inter-american Court of Human Right Case of Wong Ho Wing V.Peru
摘要 黄海勇引渡案是新中国成立以来最为复杂的引渡案,该案不仅涉案金额巨大,犯罪嫌疑人滞留境外时间漫长,历经秘鲁地方法院、秘鲁最高法院、秘鲁宪法法院审判,而且被提交到美洲人权委员会和美洲人权法院,并由中国专家证人出庭作证。反思黄海勇案中的引渡程序,我们应当持之以恒地坚持境外追逃,及时化解对方对我国司法制度特别是死刑问题的误解,严格遵守对方法律提交引渡请求,全面提交案件材料并果断作出外交承诺,如实向国际社会证明中国刑事法治的进步,妥善应对引渡中的程序性意外,正确处理在国外羁押期限折抵刑期的问题。展望黄海勇案,我们应当充分保障黄海勇的诉讼权利,全部兑现对于秘鲁政府做出的庄严承诺,实现对于黄海勇的公正判决,从而向世界证明中国刑事法治的发展进步,提升中国的国际刑事法治形象,增强国际社会对于中国刑事法治的信心,实现我国境外追逃和国际引渡合作的良性循环。 Wong Ho Wing case was the most complicated extradition case since the Republic of China has been established. Such case involved huge amount of money , the criminal suspect stayed overseas for long time. After trialed by the basic court, supreme Court the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Peru, it was also submitted to the Inter- American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter - American Court with Chinese expert witness testifying. Rethinking the extradition proceedings in the case, we should persevere in fugitive repariation, defuse the mis- understanding of Chinese judicial system particularly about the death penalty, abide by local law when submit the request of the extradition and the case material. Meanwhile, we also should make a diplomatic commitment decisively. In addition, we ought to prove the progress of Chinese criminal law, deal with the unexpected matters in extradition proceedings properly. Furthermore, custody in Peru shall be considered properly of the term sentenced in China. For the future, we should protect the litigious right of Wong Ho Wing amply, fulfill the promise made to the Repub- lic of Peru, achieve the fair judgment on the case. So that we can prove the progress of the rule of China' s criminal law for the international world, promote the image of the Chinese international criminal law and achieve a virtuous cycle of China' s fugitive repariation t and international cooperation in extraditon.
作者 赵秉志 张磊
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期1-16,共16页 Law Science Magazine
基金 中国法学会法治反腐研究方阵与国家社科基金项目"法治反腐背景下境外追逃问题研究"(项目编号:14BFX001)的阶段性成果
关键词 黄海勇案 引渡 死刑 酷刑 外交承诺 Wong Ho Wing case extradition death penalty torture diplomatic commitment
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