目的探讨临床教学单元(clinical teaching unit,CTU)在儿科住院医师规范化培训中的应用。方法将2015年8至12月在新生儿科轮转的规培学员随机分为实验组(24人)和对照组(22人).两组基本培训方案和轮转时间相同,实验组学员需在规培计划外参与CTU活动。运用形成性评价方法对实验组学员进行量化评估,轮转结束时进行理论考核和问卷调查。应用SPSS18.0软件对组间数据进行t检验。结果实验组学员CTU实践过程中临床思维能力得到提高,得分率从57.0%升至85.7%,出科考试成绩较对照组学员有不同幅度提高,其中反映临床思维能力的病例分析能力明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。调查结果显示,实验组学员对CTU实践总体评价较好,参与CTU活动的主治医师认为培训模式有必要全面推广;参与CTU活动的实习医师认为CTU活动能激发学习专科疾病的兴趣,对专科疾病的了解更深入。结论CTU活动可提高学员的独立临床思维等能力,进而逐步帮助学员完成医学生到医师的转变。
Objective To explore the application of clinical teaching unit (CTU) in the process of pediatric resident standardization training. Method From August 2015 to December 2015, trainers in the department of neonatology were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group; two groups had the same basic training plan and the same training time. The experimental group needed to participate in CTU activities outside the rule training plan. Trainers of the experimental group were evaluated by the formative evaluation method, and the theoretical assessment and questionnaire survey were carried out at the end of training. SPSS I8.0 was used for t test. Results The ability of clinical thinking of the experimental group trainers in the practice of CTU was improved, and the scoring rate rose from 57.0% to 85.7%; the test scores of experimental group had different increase, in which case analysis reflected the ability of clinical thinking was significantly higher than the control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion CTU can improve the trainers' independent clinical thinking and other abilities, and gradually help them complete the transition from medical students to physicians.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
Resident standardization training
Clinical teaching unit