选取西湖龙井茶一级保护区内满觉陇茶区五块不同海拔、朝向、质地的土壤,测定其含水率、容重、三相比等基本特性,以及p H值、有机质、全氮、有效磷等养分状况,并对各地块生产的狮峰龙井茶叶品质成分进行测定分析和感官审评。结果表明:满觉陇茶区土壤质地都适宜种植茶树,土壤肥沃,有机质、全氮和有效磷含量较高,其中4#地块土壤特性最好,有机质为50.20 g/kg,全氮为3.35 g/kg,有效磷为91.58 mg/kg,部分土壤保水保肥能力稍差。不同地块产出的狮峰龙井茶叶品质都较好,内含物质丰富,水浸出物达53.21%-56.76%,氨基酸含量为4.37%-6.53%,感官审评认为4#地块生产的狮峰龙井茶品质最好,因此证实满觉陇茶区狮峰龙井品质优且相对一致,土壤有机质含量及养分充足茶园所生产西湖龙井茶品质较好。
Soil samples were collected from five areas were chosen from tea fields in Hangzhou Manjuelong tea region with different altitude , direction and soil texture , and the physical properties include the water content , Bulk bulk density , three-phase ratio ( gas liquid : solid ) , and the soil nutrient status include pH value , soil organic matter , total nitrogen and available phosphorus , the tea quality components of each the soil samples were measured by instrument and their sensory evaluation. The results showed that the soil texture is suitable for tea cultivation , and the soil is fertile organic matter , total nitrogen and available phosphorus contents were on high level, especially the 4#block field , include with 50. 20 gkg soil organic matter , 3. 35 g/kg total nitrogen and 91. 58 mgkg available phosphorus. However , partial soil manure and water retention capacity was poor in partial soil samples. The quality of tea is good with abundant 53.2 1 % -56. 7 6 % water-53.21% -56.76% content of water extract , and 4. 37 % - 6. 5 3 % amino acid contents. Sthe sensory evaluation results showed that the quality of 4# tea produced in 4# field is the best. The more the soil nutrients , the better the quality of tea.
Journal of Tea
Manjuelong tea region
Xihu Longing tea
soil properties
quality components