目的探讨小针刀技术在自体脂肪移植隆颏术中的应用效果。方法用小针刀分别在颏部真皮下、皮下组织层、骨膜浅层进行扇形均匀分离,然后用1 mL注射器连接直径1.2 mm钝头带侧孔注射针注射自体颗粒脂肪组织至皮下组织层、肌肉层和骨膜浅层;需要改善肤质者,在真皮下注射自体纳米脂肪。结果采用该方法为17例患者实施隆颏术,移植自体颗粒脂肪组织23次,移植量3—12 mL,平均5.6 mL;移植纳米脂肪10次,移植量1.5—2 mL,平均1.8 mL。随访1—10个月,颏部外形良好,双侧下颌缘对称,弧度流畅,皮肤光泽度和弹性均得到明显改善,患者均满意。结论小针刀技术在自体脂肪注射移植隆颏术的应用使该术式的操作更为简便,有助于提高移植组织的成活率和临床疗效,值得推广。
Objective To explore the effect of small needle-knife technique in chin augmentation using autolo- gous fat grafts. Methods The small needle-knife was applied to release tissues in the subdermis level; subcuta- neous fat and superficial periost, fat granules were injected in subcutaneous, muscle and superficial periost with a 1 mL syringe and a needle 1.2 mm in diameter with side holes. If it was needed to improve skin quality, nanofat was transplanted in subdermis with a 1 mL syringe and a needle 1.0 mm in diameter with side holes. Results From January to November, 2017, 17 patients were treated with the above method for chin augmenta- tion. Autologous fat grafting was carried out 23 times, and the volume of transplanted granular adipose ranged from 3 mL to 12 mL, with a mean of 5.6 mL. Nonofat was used in 10 cases. The volume of transplanted nono- fat ranged from 1.5 mL to 2.0 mL, with the mean volume being 1.8 mL. All patients were followed up from one to eleven months. The chins showed good appearance. The bilateral marginal mandibles were symmetric and their curve was smooth. The brightness and elasticity of skin were improved obviously. All patients were satisfactory. Conclusion The small needle-knife technique in chin augmentation using autologous fat grafts is very simple and might be helpful to improve the survival rate of the transplanted adipose tissue and enhance the curative effect.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences)
small needle-knife technique
fat grafts
chin augmentation