近年来,随着信息技术的发展,"互联网+"教育的模式不断创新,以微课应用为基础的混合式教学模式逐渐兴起并得到发展。实施混合式教学的关键是微课,微课是线上学习时知识点、技能点的有效载体。如何快速便捷地制作微课,是摆在大多数教师面前的难题。以研究微课制作为出发点,运用Camtasia Studio软件,探索微课的编辑与生成方法。
In recent years, with the development of information technology, the mode of " Internet + " education has been constantly innovated. The blended teaching mode based on micro-lecture application has been gradually arisen and has been greatly developed. The key to implement the blended learning is micro-lecture, the micro-lecture is the effective carrier of the knowledge and skills in online learning. How to make micro-lecture quickly and easily is a difficult problem for most teachers. Taking the research of micro-lecture as the starting point and using the software of Camtasia Studio, the methods of editing and generating the microlecture are explored.
Shipbuilding Vocational Education