为合理规划区域内的养殖规模、降低养殖场粪污对环境的污染,本研究选择山东省典型的规模化生猪生产场,采用全粪尿法测定3个饲养阶段的猪(保育猪、育肥猪和妊娠2个月的母猪)在春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的粪尿产生量,对部分代表性粪、尿样品进行氮、磷、铜和锌含量检测,估算出山东省规模化猪场的产污系数。根据2015年山东省统计年鉴公布的农作物每公顷产量及单位产量消耗的养分量,基于氮平衡,计算出山东省不同区域内不同种植结构对氮的需求量进而估算出猪承载量。结果表明:⑴不同生产阶段猪的产污系数不同,母猪产生量最高,总氮为52.69 g/d,总磷为32.02 g/d;育肥猪次之,总氮为32.98 g/d,总磷为17.66g/d;仔猪的产生量最小,总氮为18.15 g/d,总磷为7.8 g/d。⑵山东农田需氮量及猪承载量最大的为蔬菜地,每公顷需氮为2 208.11 kg,可承载122头仔猪、67头育成猪和53头繁殖母猪,每公顷需氮量和猪承载力最小的为薯类,每公顷需氮32.93 kg,可承载5头仔猪、3头育成猪和2头繁殖母猪。本研究可为降低养殖场粪污对环境的污染及合理安排养殖规模提供科学依据。
It is important to plan farm scale reasonably and reduce farm waste pollution to the environment. This study was performed to research the environment bearing capacity of different planting structure based on pig N excretion of Shandong Province. The pollutant output at three different feeding stages( nursery pigs,fattening pigs and two-month pregnant sows) were determined in spring,summer,autumn and winter respectively in one typical scale pig production farm,and the content of nitrogen,phosphorus,copper and zinc in some pollutant samples were also determined. Then we estimated the pollutant output index. According to the published crop yield per hectare and nutrient consumption in the Shandong Province Agricultural Information Network,we calculated the nitrogen demand per hectare,and then estimated the bearing capacity of different crop planting structure based on nitrogen balance. The results showed that sow had the largest N excretion with 52. 69 g/d of total nitrogen and 32. 02 g/d of total phosphorus. The next was growing pig with 32. 98 g/d of total nitrogen and 17. 66 g/d of total phosphorus. Nursery pig had the least N excretion with 18. 15 g/d of total nitrogen and 7. 8 g/d of total phosphorus. We also estimated the nitrogen demand of differ-ent crops and the pig bearing capacity. Vegetables had the largest nitrogen demand and pig bearing capacity,which demanded 2208. 11 kg of nitrogen per hectare,and could bear 122 piglets,67 growing pigs and 53 pregnant sows. Tuber crops had the smallest nitrogen demand and pig bearing capcity,which demanded 32. 93 kg nitrogen per hectare and could bear only 5 piglets,3 growing pigs and 2 pregnant sows. In this study,we determined the pollutant output at different pig feeding stages and estimated the pig bearing capacity under different planting structures in particular region,which could provide basic scientific references for reducing livestock farm pollution to the environment and reasonably arranging animal feeding number.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences
Pollutant output index
Nitrogen demand for crops
Bearing capacity