Objective To understand the current situation of scientific research integrity level of medical graduate students, the development of integrity education in their universities, to put for- ward corresponding suggestions for improvement. Methods From December 2015 to March 2016, 128 postgraduates are selected as the participants of the survey by randomized method (123 responded). We conducted a questionnaire survey in four famous medical universities in Beijing, descriptive analyti- cal method was adopted to analyze survey findings. The contents of survey included the status of aca- demic integrity of the current medical students, education of academic integrity in Medical Universi- ties, awareness of scientific integrity and acquisition channel of relevant knowledge. Results Accord- ing to the survey, the awareness rate of research integrity is not high, scientific misconduct has oc- curred consciously or unconsciously. By analyzing the access and demands to knowledge of research in- tegrity, we find that related seminars or lecture is the best channel to acquire academic research integ- rity knowledge, accounting for 61.48%. Followed by the curriculum of academic ethics and compli- ance aspects was the network information or communication with classmates, which accounts for 39. 34%. The data also show that 95.90% of respondents thought it is necessary for medical graduate students to accept academic ethics and norms of education, 68.03- of the respondents realized that cultivating students' awareness of scientific integrity in the process of scientific research gradually has great guiding significance for mentors and counselors. Conclusions The survey suggests that the edu- cation of scientific integrity in our country is very inadequate, the knowledge on good scientific integri- ty was fragmented. At present, most of the medical universities have not yet set up scientific integrity course, and access to the knowledge of integrity is limited for students. The scientific integrity educa- tion has become an
Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management
Research ethics
Research misconduct
Scientific misconduct