建立了某货车车架简化模型,分别在满载弯曲、满载扭转、紧急制动三种工况下,对车架施加相应的边界约束和载荷约束,进行了静力响应分析,获得了其应力应变图;同时计算了其在自由状态下的振动特性,获得了前6阶固有频率。根据静力分析获得的结果,找出车架结构中的薄弱部位,在此基础上选取2纵梁和8横梁的厚度尺寸作为设计变量,约束其重量不超过970 kg,以车架整体加权柔度最小为目标在Optistruct中进行尺寸优化,以保证其具有足够的刚度。
Based on the simplified model of a truck frame, the corresponding boundary constraint and load constraint areapplied to the frame under three conditions: full load bending, full load reversing and emergency braking. Static responseanalysis is carried out to obtain the stress and strain diagram. The vibration characteristics in the free state arecalculated, and the first 6 natural frequencies are obtained. According to the results obtained by the static analysis, theweak parts in the frame structure are found. On this basis, the thickness of the 2 longitudinal beams and the 8 beams ischosen as the design variable, and the weight is less than 970 kg. Taking minimum weighted compliance as object, thedimensions of the overall frame are optimized in Optistruct to ensure its sufficient rigidity.
Mechanical Engineer