为明确本实验室研发的复合微生物菌肥对食叶类蔬菜根结线虫病的防治效果,以市场购买的复合微生物菌肥、草炭土和10%噻唑膦为对照,在根结线虫病发生严重的生菜大棚进行了田间防治效果试验。结果表明,生菜移栽第44 d时,10%噻唑膦颗粒剂对生菜根结线虫的防治效果最佳,达78.2%;本实验室研发的以淡紫紫孢菌Purpureocillium lilacinum、橄榄色链霉菌Streptomyces olivaceus和假格里尼翁苍白杆菌Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense为主要成分的复合微生物菌剂对生菜根结线虫的防治效果达34.9%,显著优于以淡紫紫孢菌为主要成分的对照复合微生物菌剂和草炭土。同时施用本实验室研发的复合微生物菌剂还能促进生菜生长,鲜重和株高都与空白对照、对照复合微生物菌肥和草炭土有显著差异,产量也显著高于其他处理,增产达47.2%。研究结果表明,本复合微生物菌剂不仅能有效防治生菜根结线虫,还能促进植物生长,提高产量,为生长周期较短的食叶类蔬菜根结线虫的安全有效防治提供了新途径。
In order to study the effect of multi-microbial agents, which was consisted of Purpureocillium lilacinum, Streptomyces olivaceus and Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense, on root-knot nematodes in lettuce field, the experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with the commercial multi-microbial agent, which was mainly consisted of P. lilacinum, turfy soil and 10% fosthiazate granules as controls. The results showed that the 10% fosthiazate had the best effect up to 78.2% on lettuce root-knot nematode. The effect of multi-microbial agent on lettuce root-knot nematode at 44 d was 34.9%, which was significantly superior to the commercial multi-microbial agent, turfy soil and the untreated control. Meanwhile, the application of multi-microbial agent could also promote plant growth. Both the fresh weight and the height of the multi-microbial agent treatment were significantly higher than the commercial multi-microbial agent, turfy soil and the untreated control. The total yield of multi-microbial agent treatment was also higher than other four treatments with the improvement of 47.2%. The results indicated that the multi-microbial agent could not only effectively control the lettuce root-knot nematode, but also improve the growth of the plant and the yield. Although the effect of the multi-microbial agent was not as good as the 10% fosthiazate, it gave us a newly effective and safe way to control root-knot nematodes on those leafy vegetables with short growth period.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control