针对科尔沁地区粮饲兼用玉米高产栽培中氮肥用量偏多的问题,研究氮肥施用对科尔沁地区粮饲兼用玉米氮素积累及氮效率的影响。2012~2013年两个玉米生长季,以"金山10"为试验材料,设5个施肥处理:不施氮肥(CK);低氮180 kg/hm2(L);推荐施氮量260 kg/hm2(R);氮肥配施有机肥,总施氮量260 kg/hm2(C);农民传统施氮270 kg/hm2(F)。结果表明:在5个施肥处理中,以氮肥配施有机肥处理玉米产量最高,该处理生物产量和经济产量分别比其它施肥处理增加了3.52%~62.77%和6.29%~56.02%。氮肥利用效率表现为CK处理最高,氮肥施用量高时氮肥利用效率低。氮肥配施有机肥处理氮肥回收效率、生理效率和农学效率高于其它施肥处理,该处理这3项指标和其它施肥处理间差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01),该处理氮肥回收效率、生理效率和农学效率分别比低氮处理高10.70%~16.22%、2.81%~6.21%和5.16%~6.90%,比推荐施氮处理高3.44%~7.36%、1.62%~4.49%和3.42%~3.50%,比农民传统施氮处理高4.89%~8.60%、1.11%~5.70%和3.79%~4.49%。增施氮肥和氮肥配施有机肥提高了粮饲兼用玉米氮素积累量,后者氮素积累总量比其它施肥处理分别高1.88~11.42g/m2(2012年)和0.86~11.88 g/m2(2013年),比推荐施氮和农民传统施氮处理分别高0.89~1.71 g/m2和0.86~1.93 g/m2。科尔沁地区粮饲兼用玉米高产栽培中,氮肥配施有机肥有利于提高粮饲兼用玉米的产量,增加氮素积累量,是该地区比较合理的施肥方式,上述研究以期为科尔沁地区粮饲兼用玉米的合理施肥提供理论依据。
Aiming at unreasonable fertilizer application, effects of N fertilizer application on N accumulation and N efficiency of dual-purpose maize was studied in Korqin. Maize cultivar of "Jinshan 10" was selected as tested material in a field experi- ment in consecutive two growing seasons in Korqin. Five treatments were designed, including no N fertilizer (CK) ; Low N rate of 180 kg/hm2 (L) ; Recommended N rate of 260 kg/hm2 (R) ; Combination of nitrogen and organic matter, total N rate of 260 kg/hm2 (C) ; Farmer's current N rate of 270 kg/hm2 (F). The results indicated that the highest yield was ob- tained in C treatment, in which, the biomass and the yield were 3.52% - 62. 77% and 6. 29% - 56. 02% higher than that in other treatments. The highest NUE occurred in CK treatment, and the NUE was lower with more N application. NRE in C treatment were 10. 70% - 16. 22%, 3.44% -7. 36% and 4. 89% -8. 60% higher than those in L, R and F treatment (P 〈 0.01 ), NPE in C treatment were 2. 81% - 6.21% , 1.62% - 4.49% and 1.11% - 5.70% higher than those in L, R and F treatment (P 〈 0.01 ), and NAE in C treatment were 5. 16% - 6. 90%, 3.42% - 3.50% and 3.79% - 4. 49% higher than those in L, R and F treatment ( P 〈 0. 01 ). N accumulation amount was improved through application of more N fertilizer and combination of N fertilizer and manure, the N accumulation in C treatment increased by 1.88 - 11.42 g/m2 ( in the year of 2012) and 0. 86 - 11.88 g/m2 (in the year of 2013) than those in other treatments, and which was 0. 89 - 1.71 g/m2 and O. 86 - 1.93 g/m2 higher than that in R and F treatment. Manure N and fertilizer N combination was necessary for the forage maize production, as it could not only improve biomass and the grain yield, but also increase N accumulation amount, which was good for dual-purpose maize in Korqin. This study supplied the basis for reasonable fertilizer application about high-yield cultivation of dual-purpose maize in Korqin.
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
N efficiency
N accumulation