基于Ti VA和WIOD数据库,本文对光电设备制造业全球价值链参与程度及对就业的影响进行了研究。首先测算了1995~2011年全球40个经济体光电设备制造业全球价值链(GVC)参与度和位置指数,结果表明:在研究期间,世界上大部分经济体光电设备制造业GVC参与度提高了,而位置指数却在降低;GVC参与度与位置指数并不存在明显的线性相关关系。其次运用计量经济学方法研究了全球31个国家2000~2009年光电设备制造业全球价值链参与程度对就业的影响,结果表明:从31个国家整体来看,GVC参与度对就业的影响显著为负,说明各国光电设备制造业参与度的提高会降低对就业的需求,且GVC后向参与度越高,所需的本行业劳动力就越少;发达国家前向参与度的提高会导致本国就业的减少,发展中国家前后向参与度的提高均会导致本国就业的减少;而GVC位置指数、发达国家后向参与度对就业的影响不显著。
Based on the Ti VA and WIOD database, this paper studies the degree of global value chain's participation and the impact on employment in electrical and optical equipment manufacturing industry. First, the global value chain(GVC) participation degree and position index of electrical and optical equipment manufacturing industry in 40 economies around the world from 1995 to 2011 are measured. The results show that during this period, in most of the economies,the GVC participation degree in eletrical and optical equipment manufacturing industry has been improved, while the position index has been reduced. There is no obvious linear correlation between GVC participation degree and position index. The paper further uses the econometric method to study the influence of GVC participation degree on the employment of electrical and optical equipment Manufacturing industry in 31 economies from 2000 to 2009. The results show that from the perspective of the 31 economies as a whole, the impact of GVC participation degree on employment has been significantly negative, indicating that the increase in the participation of electrical and optical equipment manufacturing industry in each economy will reduce the demand for employment, and the higher the backward GVC participation degree is, the less the labor force required in this industry. Further study reveals that forward participation in developed economies and both forward and backward participation in developing economies would lead to a reduction in industrial employment. There is no significant impact on employment in GVC position and backward participation in developed economies.
Electrical and Optical Equipment Manufacturing Industry
GlobalValue Chain (GVC)
GVC Participation Degree
GVC Position Index