青草沙水库是位于长江河口的一座江心水库,是现今上海最大的水源地,作为一个半自然半人工水体,其生态系统具有特殊性,既会受到来水影响,又有自身独特性,轮虫作为最有效的水质监测生物之一,能很好地反应水库的水体现状,为水库管理提供生物学参考依据。于2014~2015年对青草沙水库轮虫群落结构的特征进行了研究,依据水库轮虫水平分布和时间分布特征,分析了该水库轮虫的种类组成、优势种、污染指示种、数量分布。结合多样性指数运用聚类分析方法分析轮虫群落结构特征,采用冗余分析方法研究轮虫和环境因子的关系。两年共发现轮虫32种,2014年为20种,优势种7种;2015年为26种,优势种2种。其中针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)为两年共有优势种。寡污型种类共鉴定出8种。2014年年均生物密度比2015年低,分别为(156.37±119.48)ind/L和(237.12±252.86)ind/L。2014年年均生物量比2015年高,分别为(0.1316±0.1146)mg/L和(0.1229±0.1371)mg/L。聚类分析表明,轮虫的水平分布与水库的形状、地理特征水文情况有着很大关系。冗余分析(RDA)表明,水温、溶氧、总氮、总磷、浮游植物生物密度为主要影响因子。
Qingcaosha Reservoir, a reservoir located at the Yangtze River Estuary, is the largest water source of Shanghai. As a semi natural semi artificial reservoir, its ecosystem is affected by source water, but also influence by its own unique temperament. Rotifers are one of the most effective organism group as monitors for water quality. It can well reflect the current status of water in reservoirs, such as the eutrophication timely and provide the biological reference for reservoir management. The community structure of rotifer was investigated from 2014 to 2015 according to the characteristics of rotifers horizontal distribution and temporal distribution. We took the data on the species composition, dominant species, quantitative distribution and community characteristics of rotifer and used cluster analysis to analyze the diversity index of Rotifer Community Structure. Redundancy analysis was used to illustrate the relationship between rotifers and environmental factors. Total of 32 species of rotifers were identified in two year period. Of which 20 species were recorded in the year 2014 with 7 dominant species; twenty six species with 2 dominant species were collected in 2015(Table 2, 3, Fig. 5). The Polyarthra trigla was the only one species dominantly in the two years. Among those 8 species belonged to oligo group with a lower density(156.37 ± 119.48 ind/L) in 2014 than that in 2015(237.12 ± 252.86 ind/L), respectively. The annual biomass of rotifers was higher with the number are 0.1316 ± 0.1146 mg/L in 2014 than that 0.1229 ± 0.1371 mg/L in 2015(Fig. 2), respectively. The seasonal variation and horizontal distribution of Rotifers was showed in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Cluster analysis was performed based on Rotifer biomass, biomass and diversity index(Table 4, Fig. 6), the results indicated that the horizontal distribution of rotifers had a great relationship with the shape and geographical characteristics of the reservoir. Redundancy analysis(RDA) showed that water temperature, dissolve
Chinese Journal of Zoology
Qingcaosha Reservoir
Community structure
Environmental factors