Technical indicator was widely used in stock predicting.Different combination of indicator have an effect on predicting performance.In order to improve stock price trend predicting performance,this study proposes a new predicting model that is Binary Particle Swarm Optimization combined with Support Vector Machine and DFS criterion(DFS-BPSO-SVM)predicting model.It's a two step feature selection predicting model.In first step,DFS criterion is used for feature selection and we got suboptimal feature subset.After this process,redundant features have been removed and the scale of the feature set becomes smaller.In second step,BPSO-SVM is used for feature selection on suboptimal feature subset and we got best feature subset which leads to best stock trend predicting performance.Based on best feature subset,sample set is constructed for stock trend predicting.In this study,the target is to predict 2015-2016 Shanghai securities composite index daily movement.The experiment results indicate that DFS-BPSO-SVM predicting model have a better performance on stock price and index daily movement than another 4 predicting model.
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