In light of global economic instability, entrepreneurship has become one of the promising new en-gines of economic sustainable development. National governments are encouraging entrepreneurship with the expec-tation that it can boost the domestic economy through enhanced growth and stable employment. And local govern-ments encourage entrepreneurship to transform traditional development concepts and improve government functions. By cultivating entrepreneurship, governments promote entrepreneurs to integrate resources across different social strata to form new sources of economic growth. In the end, the external effect of entrepreneurship creates pressures for change in organizational structures and employee management.It is essential for managers and employees in organizations to keep pace with changes in the business environ-ment. This adaptation requires organizations to analyze information from the external environment to maintain and strengthen the effectiveness of organizational operations, systems, and processes. In response, the attitudes and be-havioral patterns of organizational members and human resource policies, such as employment relations manage-ment, require continuous substantial adjustments. Since organizational change imposes high uncertainty on employees5 responsibilities and work routines, organizations may face resistance to change. Examples of fierce con-frontations to organizational change manifest as industrial disputes and labor relations unrest. Such situations couldbe especially difficult for multinational companies to address, due to potential national differences in employment policy, cultural backgrounds, union history , and legal systems . A key question is : how can entrepreneurial organi-zations foster sustainable development while successfully responding to the challenges of organizational change and employment relations management?To explore solutions to these issues and to meet the new challenges facing management scholars, the School of Business, Nanjing University hel
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
organizational change
employment relations management
multinational busi-ness management