
“金砖五国”竞争力演化及升级路径选择——产品空间视角 被引量:9

Competitiveness Evolution and Path of Industrial Upgrading in BRICS:Based on Product Space Theory
摘要 推进金砖国家合作深度和广度,提升发展中国家的代表性和发言权,是推进全球治理,促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣的重要举措。本文从产品空间视角出发,融合其两大新近研究进展——升级路径的非线性和国家空间的构建,将产品空间与国家空间统一到一个逻辑框架下,采用141个国家784种产品的国际贸易数据,从国家相似性以及产品邻近性,层层递进地分析和比较了"金砖五国"竞争力演化及升级路径,并将其演化可视化呈现。结果表明,整体上,国家空间和产品空间具有异质性和自稳定性,一国产品空间的初始结构对该国产品的结构和发展路径有重要影响;长期来看,国家间的竞争会逐渐拉开国家地位距离。"金砖五国"则呈现出如下特点:早期资源禀赋不同,竞争力都比较弱,近年来内部差距拉大,出现显著分化,中印产业竞争力提升,其他三国则原地踏步;互补与竞争并存,中印两国产品结构具有明显相似性,"龙象之争"客观存在;升级路径大同小异,基本遵循比较优势的渐进式发展方式,呈现出对既有资源禀赋的"黏性"。本文为进一步研究"金砖五国"协调发展机制奠定了基础。 To promote the depth and breadth of BRICs cooperation and to enhance the representation and voice of developing countries is an important step in promoting global governance and promoting world peace, stability and prosperity. The differences in resource endowments makes the BRIC countries economic development characteris-tics. Brazil is the “world granary” ,Russia is “world gas station” ,India is the “world office” ,China is the “world factory^ and South Africa is the 44 worlds minerar,. This difference in resource endowments has laid a good founda-tion for cooperation between BRICs,and the complementary advantages of BRICs become the engine of global eco-nomic growth. At the same time, as an independent sovereign state, the stage of development is roughly similar. In both vertical and horizontal cooperation, the BRICs complement each other and compete with each other. In face of complicated situation at home and abroad,the BRICs countries are trying to find ways to upgrade in line with their own characteristics. While each BRICs promoting structural reforms nowadays , the industrial policies for industrial upgrading may not be the same. The country depends on the advantageous industry bundles to participate in the in-ternational competition, the result of the international competition of the industry can reflect the economic condition and the progress ability of this country.From the above analysis leads to the following related issues:since the “five BRIC” sovereign independence, what the 44five BRICs^ competition and complementarily trends is,and how it evolved? Does the dominant industries in BRICs tend to be heterogeneous or homogeneous? What are the similarities and differences of this kind of struc-ture? Can we visualize the competition and complimentarily situation and evolution trend of BRICs? Furthermore, how do BRICs design and upgrade the dominant industries to enhance the competitive status of the country? What is the difference in the upgrade path?In recent years, th
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期21-38,共18页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"全球生产网络 知识产权保护与中国外贸竞争力提升研究"(15ZDB155) 教育部人文社科研究规划项目"代工企业和国际客户治理模式演化机制"(15YJA630045) 国家自然科学基金项目"优势产业组合 竞争力空间与结构转型研究"(71372124)
关键词 “金砖五国” 国际竞争力 升级路径 产品空间 国家空间 BRICS international competitiveness upgrading path product space state space
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