目的 了解腰椎退行性疾病患者术后卧床期间侧卧位的真实感受,探索促进患者康复的最佳卧位护理方案.方法 采取目的抽样法,对2016年12月—2017年1月就诊于北京市某三级甲等医院的12例腰椎退行性疾病术后患者进行深度访谈,对获得的访谈资料采用Colaizzi的资料分析法进行分析,提炼主题.结果 通过整理、分析和提炼,共总结出4个主题:侧卧需求体验;脊柱中立位卧位体验;专业照顾和亲人陪伴的需求;侧卧舒适体验.结论 腰椎退行性疾病术后患者侧卧位需求较高,侧卧体验多样化.护士需掌握此类患者的卧位需求,为患者制订个性化卧位护理方案,提高术后舒适度.
Objective To understand the real experience of the lateral decubitus position in the postoperative patients with lumbar degenerative disease during the period of staying in bed and explore the best nursing scheme of the decubitus position for the improvement of the patients' rehabilitation.Methods With the purposive sampling method, 12 postoperative patients with lumbar degenerative disease who were hospitalized in some Beijing class Ⅲ grade A hospital from December 2016 to January 2017 were interviewed deeply. The interview data were analyzed by Colaizzi data analysis method, and the subjects were extracted. Results Through sorting, analyzing and refining, 4 themes were summed up: lateral decubitus need experience, decubitus experience of spine neutral position, needs for professional care and relatives' companionship, lateral decubitus position comfort experience.Conclusions The patients with lumbar degenerative disease after surgery have higher needs for the lateral decubitus position. The experience of their lateral decubitus position varies. Nurses need to grasp the decubitus position demand of the patients and make the personalized decubitus nursing program for them, in order to improve their postoperative comfort degree.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
Qualitative investigation
Lumbar degenerative disease
Lateral decubitus position
Comfort degree