Recent years witnessed rapid accumulation of human capital,which may result in quick reduction of returns to human capital investment. This paper employs aggregated productivity approach to get a more precise China's human capital supply,with which the earnings of human capital and raw labor,and returns to higher education are calculated via Mincer's approach and ROI approach. It is found that the Mincerian returns to human capital drops from 60% in 1982 to34% in 1984,and gradually declines to 10% till 2030. The total ROI of human capital amounts to 25 folds in 1980 s,declined rapidly in late 1980 s to 5. 8 folds in 2026. For cohorts enrolled in higher education programs before 2000,annual ROI may reach to 50% in their peak time of careers,whereas for cohorts later than 2000 the number may be around 20%-30%. These results indicate that China's declining returns to investment on higher education will be a critical challenge in the future. In order to ensure reasonable returns rate,it is highly recommended that pricing mechanism of human capital should be eliminated,the development of human capital intensive industries should be encouraged,export of human capital intensive service should be accelerated,and human capital should be capitalized as assets.
Chinese Review of Financial Studies