根据2013年中水集团远洋股份有限公司的两艘金枪鱼延绳钓船的渔场数据、放钓数据以及渔获物数据,研究了全年各月份渔场分布情况及主要渔获物单位捕捞努力量渔获量变化。结果表明,渔获物包括长鳍金枪鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼、大眼金枪鱼、旗鱼类等,根据相对重要性指数,确定优势种为黄鳍金枪鱼和长鳍金枪鱼,其相对多度分别为75%和10%。长鳍金枪鱼的日均高产单位捕捞努力量渔获量渔区集中在S 15°~17°纬度区间以及南部S 26°~27°纬度区间,黄鳍金枪鱼高单位捕捞努力量渔获量渔区集中分布在S 8°~13°的纬度区间,长鳍金枪鱼高产渔区海表温度集中在20~22℃和27~30℃,黄鳍金枪鱼高产渔区则集中在海表温度28~29℃海域。
The monthly distribution of fishing groud and variation in daily catch per unit effort (CPUE) of target species was analysed based on the fishing and catch data of two tuna longline vessels of China Over- seas Fishery Company in 2013. The results showed that bigeye tuna, and swordfish, with rdative abundance of 7 the catch included albacore tuna, yellowfin tuna, 5 % in albacore tuna(Thunnus aLalunga) and 10° in yellowfin tuna(T, albacares) in the total catches, being two dominant species (index of relative impor- tance, IRI )1000). The albacore tuna daily high CPUE fishing area was concentrated in the range of S 15°--17° latitude and S 26°-27° latitude, daily high CPUE fishing area of yellowfin tuna was concentrated in S 8°--13° latitude. Sea surface temperature of high CPUE fishing area of albacore tuna was found at 20-- 22℃and 27--30℃, and sea surface temperature of high CPUE fishing area of yellowfin tuna was ob- served at 28--29℃.
Fisheries Science