根据 2 0 0 2年 1~ 6月中国大陆地区鱿钓渔船在西南大西洋的生产统计及其海表水温数据 ,按 1°× 1°的格式进行统计分析 ,并用MarineExplore 4 .0软件进行作图 ,对阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场、CPUE分布及其与表温的关系进行了分析。结果表明 ,1~ 3月份中心渔场集中在 4 5°S、6 0°W一带 ,4~ 6月份作业渔场集中在 4 2°S、5 7°W附近。各月产量和CPUE有很大变动 ,其中 1月份产量最高 ,3月份开始下降 ,6月份达到渔汛的末期。全年产量较高海区的表温为 12~ 15℃ ,各月份的最适渔获表温不同 ,1月为 14~ 15℃ ,2月为 13~ 15℃ ,3月为 12~ 14℃ ,4月为 9~ 13℃ ,5月为 8~ 10℃ ,6月为 7~ 9℃ ,并且每月的作业水温逐渐降低 ,平均每月下降约 1℃。经K S检验 ,结果表明 ,各月表温和CPUE的差异均不显著。
Based on the production database of Chinese mainland fishing vessels with the statistic format of 1°×1°, the plot is drawn by the software of Marine Explorer 4.0,the fishing ground and CPUE distribution and its relationship with sea surface temperature are analyzed. The conclusions are that the central fishing ground is around 45°S、60°W during January and March, and around 42°S、57°W from April to June. It shows that the production in different months has greatly fluctuation, the maximum catch is in January, then it begins to descend in March. The terminal fishing season is in June. The SST in the higher production is 12~15 ℃, and it changes according to seasons. The most suitable temperature in fishing area is different, 14~15 ℃ in January, 13~15 ℃ in February, 12~14 ℃ in March,9~13 ℃ in April,8~10 ℃in May, 7~9 ℃ in June, which show the suitable SST falls about 1 ℃ every month in average. The result of K-S analysis showed that the differences between SST and CPUE are not remarkable.
Marine Fisheries Research
农业部 948项目"遥感在远洋渔业中的应用"(2 0 0 1 476)
上海市启明星计划 (0 2QC1 4 0 4 0 )共同资助