
不同砧木对‘绿岭’核桃生长和果实品质的影响 被引量:11

Effects of Different Rootstocks on the Growth and Kernel Quality of Juglans regia cv.Lyuling
摘要 为了解不同砧木对‘绿岭’核桃生长和果实品质的影响,以核桃砧木品种中宁强、中宁异、加州黑和核桃实生苗作砧木嫁接‘绿岭’核桃的2年生幼树为试材,调查测定了不同砧木‘绿岭’核桃生长及果实品质。结果表明,开花结果物候期方面,中宁异和加州黑砧木的‘绿岭’核桃的雌花芽膨大期比核桃砧木早4d,比中宁强砧木早1d;中宁强和中宁异砧木‘绿岭’核桃的雌花芽开绽期比加州黑和核桃砧木早2d;中宁强、中宁异、加州黑3种砧木‘绿岭’核桃雌花初花期和盛花期均比核桃砧木早3d,末花期早4d。生长方面,中宁异砧木‘绿岭’核桃的树高、地径、冠幅、一年生枝长度、坐果率分别为176.5、3.93、71.5cm与80.5cm、71.88%,均极显著大于核桃砧木;中宁强砧木‘绿岭’核桃的萌芽率为48.25%,极显著大于加州黑和核桃砧木,显著大于中宁异;中宁强、中宁异、加州黑3种砧木‘绿岭’核桃的坐果率分别为68.61%、77.18%、73.83%,均极显著大于核桃。结果及果实品质方面,中宁异砧木‘绿岭’核桃的单株产量为241.0g·株^(-1),极显著大于核桃;中宁强、中宁异、加州黑3种砧木‘绿岭’核桃的单果重、纵径、横径、侧径均极显著大于核桃砧木;中宁强、中宁异、加州黑砧木‘绿岭’核桃的核仁脂肪含量分别为67.63%、67.14%、68.02%,均极显著大于核桃;4种砧木‘绿岭’核桃的可溶性蛋白质含量和总蛋白质含量均无显著差异。运用隶属函数法对不同砧木‘绿岭’核桃的生长及果实品质进行综合评价,综合评价值由大到小依次为:中宁异(0.554)>加州黑(0.537)>中宁强(0.448)>核桃(0.323),因此,在生长及果实品质方面,中宁异是适合‘绿岭’核桃的适宜砧木。 To determine the effects of different rootstocks on the growth and fruit quality of Juglans regia cv. Lyuling,2-year-old seedlings of Lyuling which were grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongningqiang, J. regia ev. Zhongningyi,J. hindsii and J. fegia rootstocks to study the effects of the four rootstocks on the growth and fruit quality. The results sho%%ed that the flower bud swelling period of Lyuling grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongningyi and J. hindsii was 4 days earlier than that of J. regia, which was also 1 day earlier than that of J. regia cv. Zhongningqiang. The flower bud splitting period of Lyuling grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongningqiang and J. regia cv. Zhongningyi was 2 days earlier than that of J. hindsii. The initial flower- ing stage and florescence stage of Lyuling grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongningqiang,J. regia cv. Zhongningyi and J. hindsii were 3 days earlier than J. regia. For the growth characteristics nual branches length,and fruit setting cantly higher than that of J. regia,the cm and mgqlan greater 71. 88%, respe g was 48.25%, than that of J. J. regia, whose features, i. e. rate of Lyuling last fl , seedl grafte owerln ing hei d onto values of the five features we ctively. The germination percentage of Lyul extr regz emely and a cv. Zhon significantly higher than that gningyi. The fruit setting Zhongningqiang,J. regia cv. Zhongningyi, J. hindsii were 68. g stage was 4 days earlier than that of ght, ground diameter, crown width, an- J. regia cv. Zhongningyi were signifi- re 176.47 cm,3.93 cm,Ti. 5 cm,80.54 ing grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongn- of J. hindsii, which was significantly rate of Lyuling grafted onto J. regia cv. 61%, 77. 18%/00, and 73. 83%, respectively, which were extremely and significantly higher than that of J. regia,. For the external quality of fruit, the yield per plant of Lyuling grafted onto J. regia cv. Zhongningyi was 241.00 g · plant^-1 rain,which was ex- tremely and significantly higher than that of J. regia,. The single diameter and lateral diameter of Lyuling graft
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期113-118,共6页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 国家‘十二五’科技支撑计划项目课题(2013BAD14B01) 河北省科技支撑计划项目(16236810D)
关键词 核桃 砧木 物候期 生长特性 外在品质 内在品质 walnut stock phenology growth characteristics external quality intrinsic quality
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